
Ultra lightweight Java/Android validation framework

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Ultra lightweight Java/Android validation framework


  • Library for conversion and validation
  • Extremely simple & easy to use
  • Strongly typed: boolean, int, double, String, regex validated String, Path supported
  • Allows provision of default values when input is missing (null) or invalid
  • Allows to specify min...max ranges for numeric types (int, double)
  • Allows to specify minimal and maximal length of String
  • Offers detailed diagnostics, distinguishes between missing on invalid inputs
  • Is fully thread-safe


  • Create Patterns (either BooleanPattern, IntPattern, DoublePattern, StringPattern, RegexPattern, PathPattern) using constructors with Pattern name and description which is used to indicate errors in missing or invalid.
  • Modify them by adding default values -- ifMissing(valueIfMissing), ifInvalid(valueIfInvalid).
  • Overloaded methods may set also error messages -- ifMissing(valueIfMissing, ifMissingMessage), ifInvalid(valueIfInvalid, ifInvalidMessage).
  • You may use patterns to match String inputs, i.e. convert and validate them to resulting typed values.
  • The match returns Result which can be queried, e.g.
  • isValid() true iff the match(input) matched,
  • The value converted and validated: eg. in case of IntPattern int getInt() returns the integer read from input String,
  • Feedback: getMessage() returns error message in case the input was missing or not valid.
  • Validation is thread-safe (ie. one can validate against the same Pattern in multiple threads concurrently).


      new BooleanPattern("myBool", "myBool parameter")
        .ifMissing(true, "You could provide boolean"),

      new IntPattern("myInt", "myInt parameter")
        .range(-10, 1000)
        .ifMissing(0, "You could provide int")
        .ifInvalid(-1, "You should provide int but provided something else"),

      new DoublePattern("myDouble", "myDouble parameter")
        .range(-123.4, 123.4)
        .ifMissing(0.0, "You could provide double")
        .ifInvalid(-1.0, "You should provide provide double but..."),

      new StringPattern("myString", "myString parameter")
        .length(1, 10).ifMissing("none").ifInvalid("invalid"),
      new RegexPattern("myRegex", "myRegex parameter")
      new PathPattern("myPath", "myPath parameter")
).forEach(v -> {
  Result result = v.match("x100");
  System.out.println(result.isValid() + " " + v);