
Environment setup (Recommended)

Using Conda

At your target directory, execute the following:

conda create -n fyp python=3.8 -y
conda activate fyp
git clone https://github.com/tpmmthomas/fyp-chord-identification.git
cd fyp-chord-identification
pip install -r requirements.txt

Chord to Note Module

In modules directory:

python chordToNote.py [key] [chord]


python chordToNote.py Cmajor I

Note to Chord Module

In modules directory:

python noteToChord.py [notes ...] [-o NUMOUT] [-k KEY] [-t THRESHOLD]

Enter 3 to 4 notes, optionally specify "-o" argument to control number of output matches, "-k" argument to force match only the given key, "-t" to decide the minimum required matching notes.


python noteToChord.py C E G -o 3 -k Cmajor   #output:  CMajorI  CMajorI7  CMajorVI7
python noteToChord.py C E D -o 3 -k Cmajor   #output:  CMajorI  CMajorVI  CMajorVI7

If only exact match is needed, use noteToChordFast.py for faster performance:

python noteToChordFast.py [notes ...] [-o NUMOUT] [-k KEY]


python noteToChordFast.py C E G -o 3 -k Cmajor   #output:  CMajorI  CMajorI7  CMajorVI7
python noteToChordFast.py C E D -o 3 -k Cmajor   #output:  EMPTY