
Typo in

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've been starting to use my register model and have been confused at why I can't trigger an error on reg.mirror(). It looks like there's another typo in where the initial value of m_check is set to UVM_NO_CHECK instead of UVM_CHECK.

In the SV version, the configure method checks if the field is volatile or not and sets the check field appropriately:

   function void uvm_reg_field::configure(uvm_reg        parent,
                                          int unsigned   size,
                                          int unsigned   lsb_pos,
                                          string         access,
                                          bit            volatile,
                                          uvm_reg_data_t reset,
                                          bit            has_reset,
                                          bit            is_rand,
                                          bit            individually_accessible); 
      m_parent = parent;
      if (size == 0) begin
            $sformatf("Field \"%s\" cannot have 0 bits", get_full_name()));
         size = 1;
      m_size      = size;
      m_volatile  = volatile;
      m_access    = access.toupper();
      m_lsb       = lsb_pos;
      m_cover_on  = UVM_NO_COVERAGE;
      m_written   = 0;
      m_check     = volatile ? UVM_NO_CHECK : UVM_CHECK;

In, the variable is set in the __init__() method to UVM_NO_CHECK and then in configure() method, if it's volatile, the same value is written. I think the initial value should be changed to:

   def __init__(self, name='uvm_reg_field'):
        This method should not be used directly.
        The `UVMRegField.type_id.create()` factory method
        should be used instead.

            name: (str): Name of the register field
        UVMObject.__init__(self, name)
        self.value = 0  # Mirrored after randomize()
        self.m_mirrored = 0  # What we think is in the HW
        self.m_desired = 0  # Mirrored after set()
        self.m_access = ""
        self.m_parent = None  # uvm_reg
        self.m_lsb = 0
        self.m_size = 0
        self.m_volatile = False
        self.m_reset = {}  # string -> uvm_reg_data_t
        self.m_written = False
        self.m_read_in_progress = False
        self.m_write_in_progress = False
        self.m_fname = ""
        self.m_lineno = 0
        self.m_cover_on = 0
        self.m_individually_accessible = False
        self.m_check = UVM_CHECK  # uvm_check_e

and then the configure() method doesn't need to change (although removing the else case would be a positive):

   def configure(self, parent, size, lsb_pos, access, volatile, reset, has_reset, is_rand,
 # ...snip...
        if volatile:
            self.m_check = UVM_NO_CHECK
            self.m_check = self.m_check

else branch was most likely a typo on my part. It does not make sense to have it in the first place. Thanks for the PR and fix for this!

Closing as this fix has been merged now.