Find untracked resources in Kubernetes cluster, garbage collect them.
When you use kubectl apply
, kustomize build
or helm template
for injecting manifests through you CI/CD pipeline, kubernetes don't know when an object has been deleted from you repo. Your resources are now untracked from your delivery process and they are still managed by your clusters.
Untrak is a tool made for finding and deleting these untracked files on your cluster.
Via a simple config file (untrak.yaml
), this tool will internally execute commands that output YAMLs and find resources in your clusters that are not in your SCM anymore.
In a GitOps context, this is the tool you always dreamed of.
Put a untrak.yaml
file in you SCM.
Note: if you have multiple environments, you would need multiple untrak config files.
# untrak.yaml
## git sources
- cmd: "cat"
args: ["example/manifests/resources.yaml"]
## cluster manifests
- cmd: "kubectl"
args: ["get", "cm,deploy,svc,ing", "-o", "yaml", "-n", "api"]
- namespace
To show untracked resources in you cluster (out) simply launch untrak
like so:
$ untrak -c untrak.yaml -o text
- api/ConfigMap/django-config-b4k42gm792
- api/ConfigMap/django-config-g55mctg456
- api/Ingress/my-ingress
If you need to garbage collect them, you can change the output format to yaml and pipe the result in kubectl:
$ untrak -c untrak.yaml -o yaml | kubectl delete -f -
configmap "django-config-b4k42gm792" deleted
configmap "django-config-g55mctg456" deleted
ingress.extensions "my-ingress" deleted