
Simple JAVA web application/services framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Rudimentary framework (Documentation in progress...)

A small and simple JAVA based web services/applications framework.

Before anything

This is very much a work in progress.


It all started as a playground for the new Java module system and practicing some good old patterns. The goal of this framework it to produce the simplest possible Java framework by trying to use only JDK (notable exceptions for now are libraries dealing with JSON conversions and default HikariCP connection pooling). It avoids using annotations and reflection as much as possible. This framework is also opinionated and promotes flat application/service design. This means there is no strict separation on controller, service and repository layers. One web method implementation is contained within a single Java file. Of course, there is nothing preventing you to do it your own way :) This framework also promotes static access to various resources such as sql, email and object instances by using Java's ServiceLoader utility to reduce boilerplate code as much as possible. The goal is to not have object instances as properties in classes. If you want to use something, it should be available in a static way.

Notable features

  • Easy and simple configuration via properties file, environment and system properties
  • Simple IoC container mechanism
  • Simple and efficient validation pattern
  • Simple SQL access
  • Simple email access
  • Simple MVC framework
  • Simple application/service security configuration
  • Simple event system
  • It is easy to extends framework with your own custom stuff (look at the exts module)
  • Simple, extensible security model + CSRF and CORS handling.

Majority of features are a work in progress but are usable and show the intent.


  • Java 11+
  • Maven

Writing Hello World

Since there are no publicly available artifacts in jcenter or maven central of Rudimentary framework yet, here are the steps to easily create Rudimentary project:

  1. Clone this repository from your terminal
  2. Go to the root of cloned project
  3. Execute mvn clean install
  4. Execute java -jar rudimentary-cli/target/rudimentary-cli-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar new --name hello-world
  5. Open created project in your favourite IDE
  6. Go to src/main/java/app directory and create Java class HelloWorldEndpoint like this:
package app;

import hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.Request;
import hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.content.Empty;
import hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.content.Text;
import hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.spi.HttpEndpoint;

public class HelloWorldEndpoint implements HttpEndpoint<Empty, Text> {

  public Text response(Request<Empty> request) {
    return new Text("Hello World!");

  1. Add app.HttpEndpoint entry to src/main/resources/META-INF/services/hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.spi.HttpEndpoint file
  2. Right click on src/main/java/app/Application.java and run
  3. Using default values, curl http://localhost:8888/helloWorldEndpoint should return Hello World! response

HttpEndpoint interface

This is the interface you need to implement when you want to expose some functionality via http. Interface allows you to override default methods such as http method, path, response etc. After you are done with implementation, make sure to add fully qualified class name of your new HttpEndpoint to src/main/resources/META-INF/services/hr.yeti.rudimentary.http.spi.HttpEndpoint file (just like in Hello World example).









This is a module which is basically a rudimentary framework showcase so make sure to check it out for code examples.


  • Dynamic module loading/reloading while using rudimentary-runner module and Jigsaw
  • Add MVC caching policy settings
  • Add MVC escaping strategies, e.g. html, js, css, attributes, read OWASP
  • Add Security LoginForm authentication option
  • Add Security JWT authentication option
  • Add Security CSRF protection - Basic, draft version available
  • Add Security CORS handling - Basic, draft version available
  • Add Sql rollback options - rollback on exception type
  • Add HttpEndpoint async() method for async execution
  • Add Metrics (Time, Gauge, Count)
  • Add ApiDoc - read OpenApi - added very basic opinionated extension
  • Add Tracing - read OpenTracing
  • Finish tests and README docs
  • Create test utilities (see Context tests for creating mock context)
  • Add Array as new content type - Json content type can currently handle it but this will some refactor to be more efficient. Consider giving Json inferred type?
  • More validation constraint definitions and implementations
  • JDBC - use HikariCP - basic impl, done.
  • Add fallback, bulkead, retry, backpressure handlers.
  • Logger should be moved from HttpEndpoint to allow access from anywhere
  • System properties listed are missing ones from system and environment
  • Add internationalization for messages etc.
  • Create test module to help when writing tests, e.g. start server, load sql script utility, context mock etc.