
Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Metaplex Candy Guard

⚠️ Candy Guard is currently experimental and has not been formally audited. Use in production at your own risk.


The new Candy Guard program is designed to take away the access control logic from the Candy Machine to handle the additional mint features, while the Candy Machine program retains its core mint functionality — the creation of the NFT. This not only provides a clear separation between access controls and mint logic, it also provides a modular and flexible architecture to add or remove mint features without having to modify the Candy Machine program.

The access control on a Candy Guard is encapsulated in individuals guards representing a specific rule that needs to be satisfied, which can be enabled or disabled. For example, the live date of the mint is represented as the LiveDate guard. This guard is satisfied only if the transaction time is on or after the configured start time on the guard. Other guards can validate different aspects of the access control – e.g., ensuring that the user holds a specific token (token gating).

Note The Candy Guard program can only be used in combination with Candy Machine Core (Candy Machine V3) accounts. When a Candy Guard is used in combination with a Candy Machine, it becomes its mint authority and minting is only possible through the Candy Guard.

How the program works?


The main purpose of the Candy Guard program is to hold the configuration of mint guards and apply them before a user can mint from a candy machine. If all enabled guard conditions are valid, the mint transaction is forwarded to the Candy Machine.

When a mint transaction is received, the program performs the following steps:

  1. Validates the transaction against all enabled guards.
    • If any of the guards fail at this point, the transaction is subject to the BotTax (when the BotTax guard is enabled) and the transaction is then aborted.
  2. After evaluating that all guards are valid, it invokes the pre_actions function on each guard. This function is responsible to perform any action before the mint (e.g., take payment for the mint).
  3. Then the transaction is forwarded to the Candy Machine program to mint the NFT.
  4. Finally, it invokes the post_actions function on each enabled guard. This function is responsible to perform any action after the mint (e.g., freeze the NFT, change the update authority).

A guard is a modular piece of code that can be easily added to the Candy Guard program, providing great flexibility and simplicity to support specific features without having to modify directly the Candy Machine program. Adding new guards is supported by conforming to specific interfaces, with changes isolated to the individual guard – e.g., each guard can be created and modified in isolation. This architecture also provides the flexibility to enable/disable guards without requiring code changes, as each guard has an enable/disable "switch".

The Candy Guard program contains a set of core access control guards that can be enabled/disabled:

  • AddressGate: restricts the mint to a single address
  • AllowList: uses a wallet address list to determine who is allowed to mint
  • BotTax: configurable tax (amount) to charge invalid transactions
  • EndDate: determines a date to end the mint
  • Gatekeeper: captcha integration
  • MintLimit: specified a limit on the number of mints per wallet
  • NftBurn: restricts the mint to holders of a specified collection, requiring a burn of the NFT
  • NftGate: restricts the mint to holders of a specified collection
  • NftPayment: set the price of the mint as an NFT of a specified collection
  • RedeemedAmount: determines the end of the mint based on a total amount minted
  • SolPayment: set the price of the mint in SOL
  • StartDate: determines the start date of the mint
  • ThirdPartySigner: requires an additional signer on the transaction
  • TokenBurn: restricts the mint to holders of a specified spl-token, requiring a burn of the tokens
  • TokenGate: restricts the mint to holders of a specified spl-token
  • TokenPayment: set the price of the mint in spl-token amount


The Candy Guard configuration is stored in a single account. The information regarding the guards that are enable is stored in a "hidden" section of the account to avoid unnecessary deserialization.

Field Offset Size Description
0 8 Anchor account discriminator.
base 8 32 PubKey to derive the PDA key. The seed is defined by ["candy_guard", base pubkey].
bump 40 1 u8 representing the bump of the derivation.
authority 41 32 PubKey of the authority address that controls the Candy Guard.
hidden section 73 ~ Hidden data section to avoid unnecessary deserialization. This section of the account is used to serialize the guards data.
- features 73 8 Feature flags indicating which guards are serialized.
- guard set 81 ~ (optional) A sequence of serialized guard structs.
- group counter ~ 4 u32 specifying the number of groups in use.
- groups ~ ~ (optional) A variable number of Group structs representing different guard sets. Each group is defined by:
-- label ~ 6 The label of the group.
-- features ~ 8 Feature flags indicating which guards are serialized for the group.
-- guard set ~ ~ (optional) A sequence of serialized guard structs.

Since the number of guards enabled and groups is variable, the account size is dynamically resized during the update instruction to accommodate the updated configuration.


📄 initialize

This instruction creates and initializes a new CandyGuard account.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key. The PDA is derived using the seed ["candy_guard", base pubkey].
base Base public key for the PDA derivation.
authority Public key of the candy guard authority.
payer Payer of the transaction.
system_program SystemProgram account.
Argument Offset Size Description
data 0 ~ CandyGuardData object.

📄 mint

This instruction mints an NFT from a Candy Machine "wrapped" by a Candy Guard. Only when the transaction is succesfully validated, it is forwarded to the Candy Machine.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key. The PDA is derived using the seed ["candy_guard", base pubkey].
candy_machine_program CandyMachine program ID.
candy_machine The CandyMachine account.
candy_machine_authority_pda Authority PDA key (seeds ["candy_machine", candy_machine pubkey]).
payer Payer of the transaction.
nft_metadata Metadata account of the NFT.
nft_mint Mint account for the NFT. The account should be created before executing the instruction.
nft_mint_authority Mint authority of the NFT.
nft_master_edition Master Edition account of the NFT.
collection_authority_record Authority Record PDA of the collection.
collection_mint Mint account of the collection.
collection_metadata Metadata account of the collection.
collection_master_edition Master Edition account of the collection.
collection_update_authority Update authority of the collection.
token_metadata_program Metaplex TokenMetadata program ID.
token_program spl-token program ID.
system_program SystemProgram account.
rent Rent account.
recent_slothashes SlotHashes account.
instruction_sysvar_account Sysvar1nstructions account.
remaining accounts (optional) A list of optional accounts required by individual guards.
Argument Offset Size Description
mint_args 0 ~ [u8] representing arguments for guards; an empty [u8] if there are no arguments.
label ~ 6 (optional) string representing the group label to use for validation of guards.

📄 route

This instruction routes the transaction to a guard, allowing the execution of custom guard instructions. The transaction can include any additional accounts required by the guard instruction. The guard that will received the transaction and any additional parameters is specified in the RouteArgs struct.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key.
candy_machine The CandyMachine account.
payer Payer of the transaction.
remaining accounts (optional) A list of optional accounts required by the guard instruction.
Argument Size Description
args RouteArgs struct.
- guard 1 Value of enum GuardType
- data ~ [u8] representing arguments for the instruction; an empty [u8] if there are no arguments.
label 6 (optional) string representing the group label to use for retrieving the guards set.

📄 unwrap

This instruction removes a Candy Guard from a Candy Machine, setting the mint authority of the Candy Machine to be the Candy Machine authority. The Candy Gard public key must match the Candy Machine mint_authority for this instruction to succeed.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key.
authority Public key of the candy_guard authority.
candy_machine The CandyMachine account.
candy_machine_authority Public key of the candy_machine authority.
candy_machine_program CandyMachine program ID.


📄 update

This instruction updates the Candy Guard configuration. Given that there is a flexible number of guards and groups that can be present, this instruction will resize the account accordingly, either increasing or decreasing the account size. Therefore, there will be either a charge for rent or a withdraw of rent lamports.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key.
authority Public key of the candy_guard authority.
payer Payer of the transaction.
system_program SystemProgram account.
Argument Offset Size Description
data 0 ~ CandyGuardData object.

📄 withdraw

This instruction withdraws the rent lamports from the account and closes it. After executing this instruction, the Candy Guard account will not be operational.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account.
authority Public key of the candy_guard authority.


📄 wrap

This instruction adds a Candy Guard to a Candy Machine. After the guard is added, minting is only allowed through the Candy Guard.

Name Writable Signer Description
candy_guard The CandyGuard account PDA key.
authority Public key of the candy_guard authority.
candy_machine The CandyMachine account.
candy_machine_authority Public key of the candy_machine authority.
candy_machine_program CandyMachine program ID.




pub struct AddressGate {
    address: Pubkey,

The AddressGate guard restricts the mint to a single address — the address must match the payer's address of the mint transaction.


pub struct AllowList {
    pub merkle_root: [u8; 32],

The AllowList guard validates the payer's address against a merkle tree-based allow list of addresses. It required the root of the merkle tree as a configuration and the mint transaction must include the PDA of the merkle proof. The transaction will fail if no proof is specified.

Name Writable Signer Description
proof_pda PDA of the merkle proof (seed ["allow_list", merke tree root, payer key, candy guard pubkey, candy machine pubkey]).

Route Instruction

The merkle proof validation needs to be completed before the mint transaction. This is done by a route instruction with the following accounts and RouteArgs:

Name Writable Signer Description
proof_pda PDA to represent the merkle proof (seed ["allow_list", merke tree root, payer key, candy guard pubkey, candy machine pubkey]).
system_program System program account.
Argument Size Description
args RouteArgs struct
- guard 1 GuardType.AllowList
- data ~ Vec of the merkle proof hash values.


pub struct BotTax {
    pub lamports: u64,
    pub last_instruction: bool,

The BotTax guard is used to:

  • charge a penalty for invalid transactions. The value of the penalty is specified by the lamports configuration.
  • validate that the mint transaction is the last transaction (last_instruction = true).

The bot_tax is applied to any error that occurs during the validation of the guards.


pub struct EndDate {
    pub date: i64,

The EndDate guard is used to specify a date to end the mint. Any transaction received after the end date will fail.


pub struct Gatekeeper {
    pub gatekeeper_network: Pubkey,
    pub expire_on_use: bool,

The Gatekeeper guard validates if the payer of the transaction has a token from a specified gateway network — in most cases, a token after completing a captcha challenge. The expire_on_use configuration is used to indicate whether or not the token should expire after minting.

Name Writable Signer Description
gatekeeper_token_account Gatekeeper token account.
gatekeeper_program Gatekeeper program account.
network_expire_feature Gatekeeper expire account.


pub struct MintLimit {
    pub id: u8,
    pub limit: u16,

The MintLimit guard allows to specify a limit on the number of mints for each individual address. The id configuration represents the unique identification for the limit — changing the id has the effect of restarting the limit, since a different tracking account will be created. The limit indicated the maximum number of mints allowed.

Name Writable Signer Description
mint_count Mint counter PDA. The PDA is derived using the seed ["mint_limit", mint guard id, payer key, candy guard pubkey, candy machine pubkey]


pub struct NftBurn {
    pub required_collection: Pubkey,

The NftBurn guard restricts the mint to holders of another NFT (token), requiring that the NFT is burn in exchange of being allowed to mint.

Name Writable Signer Description
nft_account Token account of the NFT.
nft_metadata Metadata account of the NFT.
nft_edition Master Edition account of the NFT.
nft_mint_account Mint account of the NFT.
nft_mint_collection_metadata Collection metadata account of the NFT.


pub struct NftGate {
    pub required_collection: Pubkey,

The NftGate guard restricts the mint to holders of a specified required_collection NFT collection. The payer is required to hold at least one NFT of the collection.

Name Writable Signer Description
nft_account Token account of the NFT.
nft_metadata Metadata account of the NFT.


pub struct NftPayment {
    pub required_collection: Pubkey,
    pub destination: Pubkey,

The NftPayment guard is a payment guard that charges another NFT (token) from a specific collection for the mint. As a requirement of the mint, the specified NFT is transferred to the destination address.

Name Writable Signer Description
nft_account Token account of the NFT.
nft_metadata Metadata account of the NFT.
nft_mint_account Mint account of the NFT.
destination Account to receive the NFT.
destination_ata Destination PDA key (seeds [destination pubkey, token program id, nft_mint pubkey]).
atoken_progam spl-associate-token program ID.


pub struct RedeemedAmount {
    pub maximum: u64,

The RedeemedAmount guard stops the mint when the number of items_redeemed of the Candy Machine reaches the configured maximum amount.


pub struct SolPayment {
    pub lamports: u64,
    pub destination: Pubkey,

The SolPayment guard is used to charge an amount in SOL (lamports) for the mint. The funds are transferred to the configured destination address.

Name Writable Signer Description
destination Address to receive the funds.


pub struct StartDate {
    pub date: i64,

The StartDate guard determines the start date of the mint. If this guard is not specified, mint is allowed — similar to say any date is valid.


pub struct ThirdPartySigner {
    pub signer_key: Pubkey,

The ThirdPartySigner guard required an extra signer on the transaction.

Name Writable Signer Description
signer_key Signer of the transaction.


pub struct TokenBurn {
    pub amount: u64,
    pub mint: Pubkey,

The TokenBurn restrict the mint to holder of a specified spl-token and required the burn of the tokens. The amount determines how many tokens are required.

Name Writable Signer Description
token_account Token account holding the required amount.
token_mint Token mint account.


pub struct TokenGate {
    pub amount: u64,
    pub mint: Pubkey,

The TokenGate restrict the mint to holder of a specified spl-token. The amount determines how many tokens are required.

Name Writable Signer Description
token_account oken account holding the required amount.


pub struct TokenPayment {
    pub amount: u64,
    pub token_mint: Pubkey,
    pub destination_ata: Pubkey,

The TokenPayment restrict the mint to holder of a specified spl-token, transferring the required amount to the destination_ata address. The amount determines how many tokens are required.

Name Writable Signer Description
token_account Token account holding the required amount.
destination_ata Address of the ATA to receive the tokens.