- 0
- 1
Broken link in readme
#54 opened by Lamby777 - 0
Inaccurate Git Clone URL in README
#53 opened by ajayjogiya - 0
- 0
Asterisk keywords are not recognized
#22 opened by majutsushi - 3
"No matching step found" when using Cucumber Expression to define step definition.
#52 opened by phongnh - 2
Display list of matching steps
#21 opened by wallace - 1
pytest-bdd syntax support
#48 opened by zubieta - 1
Strictly ruby specific? No matching steps
#49 opened by Gee19 - 0
Gherkin 8
#47 opened by superseeker13 - 1
Changing the default indentation
#45 opened by jmoody - 0
Possibility to find step usages
#43 opened by sofaking - 2
Feature: Jump back to feature file?
#40 opened by brycefisher - 7
Segmentation fault
#34 opened by kris-luminar - 1
- 6
Horizontal vs Vertical Split
#29 opened by dgdosen - 2
- 5
- 7
Incorrect error display for Cucumber
#26 opened by czak - 1
- 5
Not finding available step
#23 opened by JESii - 14
- 1
<C-]> clashing with jump to tag from tags
#18 opened by mhussain - 1
- 4
Cucumber table alignment
#4 opened by phanle - 2
Omnifunction not working.
#17 opened by kassio - 0
jump to gerkin files with tabs
#16 opened by tbhi - 4
- 2
Installing using pathogen.vim
#12 opened - 2
Feature narrative block has no syntax hilighting
#11 opened by kavika13 - 2
- 3
Multi-line string breaks highlighting
#8 opened by davejacobs - 4
Only S in Scenario highlighted on windows
#6 opened by kitofr - 1
- 1
- 3
#1 opened by PaulOstazeski