- 3
Add support for `g:obsession_prepend`
#81 opened by kimabrandt-flx - 7
Enable saving of Neovim's terminal buffers
#24 opened by chapati23 - 1
Add a LICENSE file for clarity
#79 opened by JacksonChen666 - 3
Persist NetRW/vim-vinegar splits?
#27 opened by cvincent - 0
[ Bug ] cmdheight after restore is incorrect
#80 opened by pronvis - 5
Can you provide a ignore list?
#70 opened by nyngwang - 1
Toggle obsession also with filename
#77 opened by hacktivateit - 4
Persist `winfixwidth`
#63 opened by cvincent - 7
When vim is closed unexpectedly, the session won't remember its buffers ever again
#71 opened by Zeioth - 1
- 1
Save folds even if buffer is closed
#51 opened by hoclun-rigsep - 5
- 8
session tmpfiles are not cleaned up
#72 opened by r10r - 2
Enable Obsession if -S passed in arg.
#69 opened by mikeslattery - 1
Stopping the Obsession
#68 opened by Jasha10 - 2
Recovery for unnamed buffers using swap
#66 opened by chrysn - 1
One session per folder?
#65 opened by xloem - 2
Fileencoding override is not preserved
#64 opened by L1Q - 0
E:190 cannot open "file" for writting
#62 opened by annata83 - 1
#57 opened by cridemichel - 2
- 6
Weird error messages never happened before
#59 opened by markwu - 8
- 4
Obsession not work automatically when attached to a existing session.
#56 opened by thepenguinthatwants - 2
Persist wildignore across sessions
#53 opened by robertjk - 1
REQUEST: Save vimwiki history per window
#52 opened by Coleej - 4
iskeyword clobbered when restoring
#26 opened by unphased - 2
Suggestion: rename Session.vim to .session.vim
#50 opened by jamatsui - 2
Documentation of command not correct?
#49 opened by jamatsui - 1
Obsession! does not unlet v:this_session
#47 opened by benknoble - 7
Make sessions executable
#46 opened by gleachkr - 21
Store the "alternative buffer" in the session
#45 opened by Dbz - 5
Add the ability to store global variables / specific global variables to the session file
#44 opened by dylan-chong - 1
- 3
- 6
#41 opened by mg979 - 4
Windows switch slowdown
#40 opened by oblitum - 0
- 2
cannot store filenames starting with tilda
#38 opened by c5c86a - 0
Typo in the documentation
#35 opened by lbrayner - 2
Doubled up files
#34 opened by jones77 - 1
Storing the current working directory
#33 opened by a-n-t-h-o-n-y - 1
Passing Args to `Obsess` Not Working
#30 opened - 5
- 6
Work around bug in vim session storage?
#25 opened by frioux - 1
Vim help window is not restored as READ-ONLY
#29 opened by xc1427 - 2
Tab name
#23 opened - 2
- 1
- 1
Native Obsession Status?
#19 opened by sodapopcan