
Can't repeat surround with custom remap.

pixelastic opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all I'm not sure if I should post this in the surround bugtracker or here, so sorry if this is not the right place, I'll move it to the other project if that's the case.

I have remapped my <Space> key to act as a . with the following line :
nnoremap <Space> .

Unfortunatly, this does not seem to be working with surround. I cannot repeat my last surround change (tested with ds and cs so far) with <Space> (but it is working just fine with .).

Am I doing something wrong or is that a known limitation of the plugin ?

When you say nnoremap, you are telling Vim "use the original behavior of this command." So it invokes the built-in . rather than the repeat.vim version. Try nmap instead.

Thanks, I should have thought of that.