- 15
(Vim bug?) b:changedtick incremented after undo
#63 opened by justinmk - 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
please add a concrete example
#55 opened by jabbalaci - 1
- 1
- 2
Extend list of plugins which support repeat.vim
#53 opened by Hotschke - 2
Repeat action with macros
#90 opened by redxtech - 2
- 1
- 1
Is there a concrete way to replace . to other key? Documentation is unclear...
#87 opened by AndresMpa - 1
Undo may open the wrong fold
#80 opened by lacygoill - 1
- 1
This plugin is taking over <C-r>
#77 opened by yaohunzhanyue - 3
Repeating with vim-surround not working properly
#76 opened by kkoomen - 4
- 5
Doesn't work well with vim-plug
#70 opened by infokiller - 2
Doc improvement suggestion
#62 opened by adrianmay - 1
- 7
Repeat macros with dot
#20 opened by ntrrgc - 12
- 7
`.` could not repeat
#64 opened by MahbubAlam231 - 2
repeat#wrap hides undo/redo messages
#27 opened by wilywampa - 3
consider a new git tag / release
#61 opened by anthraxx - 3
Visual mode repeat
#48 opened by wincent - 1
Problem with vim-repeat and remapping keys
#58 opened by oskarkv - 2
Using '.' Inside a Macro Not Working Properly
#50 opened by lag13 - 1
- 5
vim-repeat remaps my custom key
#19 opened by zkf - 1
How to use vim-repeat
#51 opened by fdietze - 0
Is it possible to unmap and recreate repeat's 'u' mapping later, for specific buffers?
#49 opened by gfixler - 1
storing a macro with repeat#set()
#26 opened by justinmk - 6
- 6
remappings in autoload
#40 opened by Konfekt - 8
breaks macros containing dot-repeat
#23 opened by justinmk - 3
Status messages turn into stack traces.
#38 opened by orlp - 1
Shouldn't `repeat#wrap` check if `&foldopen` contains 'all' (and not only 'undo')?
#31 opened by d125q - 2
source corruption?
#30 opened by nilsbecker - 13
- 7
Repeating operators with custom motions
#8 opened by b4winckler - 1
Repeating imap commands
#21 opened by nilbus - 0
Custom maps for <C-R> and <C-U>
#22 opened by adelarsq - 12
#18 opened by myster-t - 4
Is it possible to have more than one repeat key?
#17 opened by skeept - 0
vim-repeat doesn't work with EasyMotion
#16 opened by Dewdrops - 2
Can't repeat surround with custom remap.
#14 opened by pixelastic - 3
Remapping u/U interferes with foldopen
#9 opened by y - 2
repeat the last move ?
#7 opened by juanpabloaj - 1
Document how to remap U.
#6 opened by sjl