Visual mode repeat
wincent opened this issue · 3 comments
I was trying to make these mappings repeatable:
xnoremap < <gv
xnoremap > >gv
My initial stab at this was:
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>DedentAndReselect <gv
\ :silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>DedentAndReselect")<CR>
xmap < <Plug>DedentAndReselect
Alas, entering command mode in order to invoke repeat#set
knocks us out of visual mode, undoing the desired effect of the gv
I tried a number of different hacky workarounds in an attempt to get this to work, but without success.
Does this seem like something that should be possible with vim-repeat?
I've been trying to repeat a visual mode move, like this:
vnoremap mj :m '>+1<CR>:call repeat#set("mj", v:count)<CR>gv
but I haven't been able to get it to work. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or it's just not supported, but any help is much appreciated!
Same here, I think.
For example, when editing an example HTML file:
- I
so that vim selects 2 words (although for this example I could just as well selected 1 word) - Then
so that those 2 words get wrapped in bold tags. - Place the cursor on a word which doesn't have those tags.
- Press
That should result in placing the 2 words following the cursor in bold tags like they did the other 2 words. But unfortunately it repeats an action unrelated to the plugin.
Looks like somebody made a plug-in for this, although I haven't tried it: