
Create a plugin or jail running Amazon Dash on FreeNAS 11.2

Primary LanguageShell


Artifact file(s) for Amazon Dash


  • This script will by default create a plugin-jail for Amazon-dash on FreeNAS 11.2

Download plugin and install

wget -O /tmp/amazon-dash.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tprelog/iocage-amazon-dash/master/amazon-dash.json
sudo iocage fetch -P dhcp=on vnet=on bpf=yes -n /tmp/amazon-dash.json --branch 'master'


  • This scrpit can also be used to create a standard-jail for Amazon-dash

Download pkg-list and create a jail using it to install requirements

wget -O /tmp/pkglist.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tprelog/iocage-amazon-dash/master/pkg-list.json
sudo iocage create -r 11.2-RELEASE boot=on dhcp=on bpf=yes vnet=on -p /tmp/pkglist.json -n amazon-dash

Git script and install

sudo iocage exec amazon-dash git clone https://github.com/tprelog/iocage-amazon-dash /root/.iocage-amazon-dash
sudo iocage exec amazon-dash sh /root/.iocage-amazon-dash/post_install.sh standard

To see a list of jails as well as their ip address
sudo iocage list -l
| JID |      NAME      | BOOT | STATE |   TYPE   |     RELEASE     |         IP4         | IP6 | TEMPLATE |
| 1   | amazon-dash    | on   | up    | jail     | 11.2-RELEASE-p4 | epair0b|  | -   | -        |
| 2   | amazon-dash_2  | on   | up    | pluginv2 | 11.2-RELEASE-p4 | epair0b|  | -   | -        |

Tested on FreeNAS-11.2-U1
More information about iocage plugins and iocage jails can be found in the FreeNAS guide