
Tool to analyse the sequence of homologous coding regions in the genome using WES data

Primary LanguagePerl


Chameleolyser is a bioinformatics tool to identify genetic variants in homologous regions using whole-exome sequencing (WES) data. These variants remain hidden in a regular WES analysis. The current implementation of our software is hg19-based and is tested on CentOS Linux 7. However, it should run on any Linux OS. The only required input is a CRAM or BAM file.


It is highly recommended to install all dependencies by cloning the Chameleolyser repository onto your machine. This procedure takes around 5 minutes.

git clone https://github.com/Genome-Bioinformatics-RadboudUMC/Chameleolyser.git
cd Chameleolyser/
conda env create -f ChameleolyserEnvironment.yml
conda activate Chameleolyser


Prepare BED

The prepareBED function will download all necessary BED files. The working directory is the directory in which all intermediate and result files will be written. Choose an existing directory for this. The PREFIX option can be used to indicate whether or not the names of the chromosomes start with 'chr' (i.e. NCBI reference genome) in the reference sequence that was used to generate your input CRAM/BAM. The prepareBED function only need to be run once (also in case multiple samples are analysed in the same working directory). The OMIM option can be used if only known disease genes need to be analysed. This step takes less than a minute and only needs to run once if you for example want to analyse a batch of samples.

perl Chameleolyser.pl --PrepareBED --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --PREFIX=chr --OMIM=yes

Mask reference genome

The MaskReferenceGenome function will download a copy of the hg19 reference genome. After completion, it will create a masked version of it. This option only need to be run once (also in case multiple samples are analysed in the same working directory). This step might take up to 90 minutes but only needs to be run once in case you wish to analyse multiple samples.

perl Chameleolyser.pl --MaskReferenceGenome --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --PREFIX=chr --OMIM=yes

Generate masked alignments and raw VCF

This function will extract reads in the homologous regions and re-align them to the masked reference sequence. Subsequently it will call variants with a sensitive method. The sample name is an identifier of choice. The alignment filepath is the full path of the CRAM/BAM file of your sample of interest which is stored on your machine.


Filter raw variants

perl Chameleolyser.pl --FilterRawVariants --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --PREFIX=chr --SAMPLE_NAME=<SAMPLE_NAME> --OMIM=yes


Download public exome sample

Download the BAM file (and the associated index) of HG002 into a directory of choice on your system.

wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ReferenceSamples/giab/data/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_NA24385_son/OsloUniversityHospital_Exome/151002_7001448_0359_AC7F6GANXX_Sample_HG002-EEogPU_v02-KIT-Av5_AGATGTAC_L008.posiSrt.markDup.bam
wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ReferenceSamples/giab/data/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_NA24385_son/OsloUniversityHospital_Exome/151002_7001448_0359_AC7F6GANXX_Sample_HG002-EEogPU_v02-KIT-Av5_AGATGTAC_L008.posiSrt.markDup.bai

Prepare BED

Since the 1000 genomes reference sequence is used to align the HG002 reads (thus no 'chr' prefix in the chromosome names), we run the following command. The working directory needs to be the full path of an existing directory on your system.

perl Chameleolyser.pl --PrepareBED --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --OMIM=yes

Mask reference genome

perl Chameleolyser.pl --MaskReferenceGenome --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --OMIM=yes

Generate masked alignments and raw VCF

ALIGNMENT_FP: Pass the complete path of the HG002 bam file that was downloaded in the first step in this demo.

perl Chameleolyser.pl --GenerateMaskedAlignmentAndVcf --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --OMIM=yes --SAMPLE_NAME=HG002 --ALIGNMENT_FP=<ALIGNMENT_FP> --NR_OF_THREADS=4

Filter raw variants

perl Chameleolyser.pl --FilterRawVariants --WORKING_DIR=<WORKING_DIRECTORY> --SAMPLE_NAME=HG002

The filtered variant lists that should result from this operation can be found in the "DEMO_OUTPUT" folder in the repository.



Copyright (c) 2023 Wouter Steyaert