
A collection of various manifests for git-repo to set up OE/Yocto build environments.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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git-repo manifests

A collection of git-repo manifests to set up OE/Yocto build environments.

Install git-repo

In first, you should install the git-repo utility:

mkdir ~/bin
curl https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+rx ~/bin/repo
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin

Note: make sure ~/bin exists and it is part of your PATH.

Pull the OE/Yocto build environment

Download the OE/Yocto build environment:

mkdir dist
cd dist
repo init -u git@github.com:tprrt/manifests.git [-b <branch>][-m <manifest>]
repo sync -j4

By default, when the branch and the manifest aren't specified, the default manifest from the master branch is used. Here, the default manifest will fetch the master branch of required layers to build the nodistro flavor.

Then Bitbake and all required layers will be downloaded.

Following, an example to pull the layers of the Kirkstone (LTS) release:

repo init -u git@github.com:tprrt/manifests.git -b master -m nodistro/branch/kirkstone.xml
repo sync -j4

Select the configuration and distribution

Currently two distro flavors are available:

  • nodistro
  • exiguous (coming soon)

To select the right distro configuration, it is only required to set both environment variables:


You can also specify BDIR, if you want build each distro flavor in a separated folder.

For example, to select the exiguous distro and build it into a separated folder:

export BDIR=build-exiguous
export DISTRO=exiguous
export TEMPLATECONF=meta-exiguous/conf

source ./layers/oe-init-build-env

By default, the variable:

  • DISTRO is equal to nodistro
  • TEMPLATECONF is equal to meta/conf
  • BDIR is equal to build

If you when reduce the build time you should modify the paths to share the following folders between your different build environments:

  • DL_DIR

Which are by default located into BDIR.

Select the machine

By default, if the MACHINE variable isn't specified then the Qemux86-64 target will be used.

The MACHINE environment variable can be set to all available machine configurations defined into meta-*/conf/machine/*.conf:

  • qemux86-64 to use meta/conf/machine/qemux86-64.conf,
  • raspberrypi4-64 to use meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi4-64.conf,
  • sama5d2-xplained-sd to use meta-atmel/conf/machine/sama5d2-xplained-sd.conf,
  • imx8qxp-mek to use meta-freescale/conf/machine/imx8qxp-mek.conf,
  • beaglebone to use meta-ti/conf/machine/beaglebone.conf,
  • etc.

For exemple, to use Qemu ARMv8:

export MACHINE="qemuarm64"

Here, an example, to use a Raspberrypi 4 target:

bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-raspberrypi
export MACHINE="raspberrypi4-64"

You will notice that it is also necessary to add the layer containing the machine configuration when it isn't already present in conf/bblayers.conf.

For example, to add the meta-raspberrypi:

bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-raspberrypi

Build an image or a SDK

Finally, you will be able to build an image for the given target:

bitbake core-image-minimal

Or, to build a SDK:

bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-minimal

Use the following command to validate the circleci pipeline:

podman run --rm --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --security-opt label=disable -v $(pwd):/data circleci/circleci-cli:alpine config validate /data/.circleci/config.yml --token $TOKEN