Pierre's Sweet and Savory Treats

An app to manage treats and flavors

By Thomas Russell

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Razor
  • MySQL
  • Entity
  • Identity Authentication
  • EF Core
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Markdown


This is a C#/ASP.NET Core application that allows a bakery owner named Pierre to keep track of their various treats and the many flavors that those treats might contain. It is an MVC application that allows the user to add, edit, delete, and view the details of both the treats and the flavors. It also allows the user to add flavors to a treat and/or treats to a particular flavor.

Setup and Use



  1. Clone the repository: $ git clone https://github.com/tprussell19/SweetAndSavory.Solution
  2. Navigate to the SweetAndSavory.Solution/ directory on your computer
  3. Open with your preferred text editor to view the code base
  4. Create a database using SQL via Entity:
    • Navigate to SweetAndSavory.Solution/SweetAndSavory in your command line
    • Create a file named appsettings.json and paste the following code:
         "ConnectionStrings": {
         "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=thomas_russell;uid=root;pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD-GOES-HERE];"
      Note: Be sure to change [YOUR-PASSWORD-GOES-HERE] to your actual MySQL password.
    • Run the command dotnet ef migrations add Initial. (If this command throws an error, you might have to run the command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef first.)
    • Once the migration has been added, run the command dotnet ef database update to setup your database.
  5. To run the app:
    • Navigate to SweetAndSavory.Solution/SweetAndSavory in your command line
    • Run the command dotnet restore to restore the dependencies that are listed in the .csproj
    • Run the commmand dotnet build to build the project and its dependencies into a set of binaries
    • Finally, run the command dotnet run to run the project!
    • Note: dotnet run also restores and builds the project, so you can use this single command to start the app and launch
    • If the application does not automatically launch in your browser, you will need to open a browser window and navigate to "localhost:5000"

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs


MIT © Thomas Russell 2021

Contact Information

Thomas Russell t.p.russell19@gmail.com