
Display gorgeous fullscreen images in reveal.js presentations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reveal.js fullscreen image plugin

This is a simple plugin to insert full screen images in your presentations.

To use this plugin, you will need to use both the included js script and stylesheet:

  - copy fullscreen-img.js to your lib/js/ folder
  - copy fullscreen-img.css to your css/ folder
  - include both files in your presentation:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fullscreen-img.css">
        dependencies: [
          // Syntax highlight for <code> elements
          { src: 'lib/js/fullscreen-img.js' },

Then, you can flag any section as including a fullscreen image.

A title page:
  <section fullscreen-img="img/cover_image.jpg">
    <h1>A Fantastic Title</h1>
    <h2>Interesting subtitle</h2>

Alternately, you can include an image, then give it a class of 'fullscreen-img' and 
it will be set to display none, and included as the background image:

    <h1>A Fantastic Title</h1>
    <h2>Interesting subtitle</h2>
    <img src="img/cover_image.jpg" class="fullscreen-img" />

If you want to scale the image so that the entire image is contained in the
slide, add a fullscreen-size attribute with value "contain" to your section:

  <section fullscreen-img="img/cover_image.jpg" fullscreen-size="contain">