
A project to crowdsource a reference for semantic element advice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

whichElement is an attempt to have a single resource to answer the question: "Which element should I use."

We welcome community participation. Feel free to get in the game. Check out the contribute section of our site to see best how.

In order to build a copy of whichElement.com, you will need a version of ANT on your system. 
Best way to get that: http://ant.apache.org/manual/install.html

Building isn't necessary if you want just want to view content and what not. However if you want 
to see any of the dynamically built pages, you do.

We use Typekit to deliver webfonts to the site.  Typekit fonts are ties to the domain of the hosting server.  
Currently we support the following domains:

* whichElement.dev
* whichElement.com
* localhost

To serve up pages with proper webfonts setup your development environment to support one of those hosts, or request 
additional host support.