
Parallel file indexer

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Parallel File Indexer


file_indexer is a Python package containing tools to index 1000's of files in parallel and keep track of the word statistics, especially their occurrences within a file and across files. It has been designed as a lightweight Flask API, which can be accessed via a normal web browser or a tool like Postman, but to avoid all this hassle, this package also has a script called interact_with_api.py, which wraps and automates all the API calls and provides an interactive CLI tool for this.


  • This algorithm is inspired from a map/reduce or divide-and-conquer based approach. (Note: this algorithm assumes that the contents of the files it is indexing are static and are not updated dynamically, more on this in the Future Scope. So, it follows a pre-indexed search based approach.)

  • Indexing algorithm: (at a single text file level)

    • Read all the file's contents

    • Tokenize the obtained text to obtain individual words, using Penn Treebank Tokenizer from NLTK, which is implemented as the word_tokenize() method. (Note: We can also use domain specific Tokenizers like Twokenize from CMU, but for now I have left it to be generic).

    • Iterate through each word and build a words_index, that looks like below:

      words_index = {
            "word1": {
                "file_wise_counts": {
                    "file_name_1": <int, count1>,
                    "file_name_2": <int, count2>,
                    "file_name_3": <int, count3>,
                "total_count": <int, total>
  • Merging algorithm: (merges across file words_indexs)

    • Merges a list of word indices into a single master_words_index.
    • If the file is already present in the index, then the old file statistics are replaced with the new statistics
      • This assumes that the words_indices are chronologically ordered, with the latest words_index at the end of the list.
  • Parallel indexing algorithm: (Across all text files, with the input master text file)

    • Maps each text file in the master text file, to the indexing algorithm described above, in parallel, to multiple logical threads, using the multiprocessing library.
    • Merge the words_index from the different threads to form the master_words_index using the merging algorithm described above.
    • Note: Apart from parallel_indexer(), the indexing_routines module also has, unified_indexer() and serial_indexer(), which can be used when the input data is less than 100s of files, because the parallel processing overhead takes over for less data. For this case, I have assumed the data will be in 1000s and defaulted to parallel_indexer().
  • Data:

    • In order to match the scale the algorithm was designed for, I used the Reuters Corpus, from the NLTK library. It has 10,788 news documents in total, with 1.3 million words.
    • The benchmark results:
      • serial_indexer(): 15 secs
      • unified_indexer(): 12 secs
      • parallel_indexer(): 5 secs (2-3 times faster)
    • This algorithm was designed to scaleup really well, with more data coming in and with more processor cores available.

System Requirements

Hardware requirements

file_indexer package requires only a standard computer with enough cpu cores and RAM to support the in-memory operations. More the cpu cores, much faster the algorithm will be.

Software requirements

OS Requirements

This package has been tested on the following systems:

  • macOS: Mojave (10.14.1)
  • Linux: Ubuntu 16.04

It is untested but should work on Windows too.

Python Dependencies

file_indexer mainly depends on the following Python packages. It runs on Python 3.6.


Setup and Testing Guide:

Assuming that the system just has the base OS installed, follow the below instructions to setup and run the Flask API Server (app.py) and interface script interact_with_api.py


  • Install Python 3.6 from either the Hitchhiker's Guide to Python or Real Python. It has guides for macOS, Linux, and Windows as well.
  • Install pip:
    • Follow instructions here
    • OR Just download get-pip.py and run python3 get-pip.py.
  • Install Python dependencies:
    • Run the following commands (from package root):

      pip3 install -r requirements.txt
      python3 -m nltk.downloader punkt
    • OR just run source setup.sh on macOS or Linux.

Unit tests and Coverage

In order to run the unit tests and report coverage, from the package root, run the following command:

py.test -s --cov=file_indexer .

How To

Run the Flask API Server

From a new terminal window, go the package root and run the following command:

python3 app.py

This will be where we can see the live API server logs.

Interact with the Flask API

The endpoints are pretty straight forward to use, (refer to Functionalities and Endpoints), however interact_with_api.py is a script that wraps all the API calls for you. To use it, run:

python3 interact_with_api.py

Test Data

When prompted for test data (master file path), use either of the following:

  • input.txt
    • This is the Reuters corpus and has 10,788 news documents with 1.3 million words.
  • file_indexer/unit_tests/data/index.txt
    • This is some dummy data that I created to tractably verify if the algorithm works.

Functionalities and Endpoints

The following functionalities are supported by the app:

  • Index new files (/file-indexer/api/v1/index/<path:path_to_master_file>)
    • This accepts a master file path, that has the absolute paths of all the files to be indexed and creates an in-memory index which can be queried later.
    • Note: will merge with already indexed files using the merging algorithm, if we do not clear the index before indexing new files.
  • Display word counts (/file-indexer/api/v1/word-counts)
    • This just lists all the words in the index sorted alphabetically along with their frequency counts.
  • Search for a word (/file-indexer/api/v1/search/<word>)
    • Once the index is created, this helps to search for a specific word in the index and display all the files it occurs in, along with the file-wise and across files frequencies.
  • List all words (/file-indexer/api/v1/words)
    • This just lists all the words in the index.
  • Clear words index (/file-indexer/api/v1/clear-index)
    • This is used to clear the in-memory index of all words to start fresh.
  • Download words index as JSON (/file-indexer/api/v1/download-index)
    • This is used to download the master index from in-memory and dump it into a JSON file for later use.

Future Scope

  • Support and track dynamic files by engineering a solution based off of the Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm.
  • Dockerize the app. Intially the app was Dockerized, but then I removed it when I realized that, it had to deal with absolute paths from the host machine, which makes it a hassle.
  • Now the algorithm is case sensitive and supports only latin_1 encoded files. Can support more variants.
  • Use already present docstrings to generate Sphinx documentation on RTD.
  • Use Twokenize to chop words, etc.


This project is covered under the Apache 2.0 License.