
A dummy WiringPi library, for compiling on non-raspberry pi platforms

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

*** A Dummy Wiring-Pi Library ***

WiringPi is an excellent library for accessing GPIO and other hardware on the
Raspberry Pi, written by Gordon Henderson (http://wiringpi.com). When using it
I often would like to compile and test my program on my desktop ubuntu system, 
before finally porting it to the Pi. Unfortunately, there is no wiringPi library
in Ubuntu. 

I built this simple library of stubs, so I could compile my Raspberry Pi programs
on Ubuntu. The wiringPi methods are just no-op stubs, and do nothing, but it does
allow the program to compile. Only the core library functions exist at the moment.

I might expand it in the future to actually simulate the real GPIO pin behaviour,
and have some UI that can toggle simulated switches and so on. Or maybe have it
talk over the network to a Pi and interact with the real GPIO. But for now all
I need is this stub library. 8-)

Pre-build debian packages are available (compiled on Ubuntu 16.04LTS), to 
install them:

wget -O- http://repo.shahada.abubakar.net/pubkey.asc | sudo apt-key add -
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo wget http://repo.shahada.abubakar.net/repo.shahada.abubakar.net.sources.list
sudo apt-get install wiringpi-sim