
Convert English text to IPA using the toPhonetic

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



python -m pip install text2ipa


sudo pip3 install text2ipa


pip install text2ipa


  • Two options Language English and French


Example 1: Convert a text


  • get_IPA() : Converting a text to IPA with the following parameters


  • text : The text you want to convert to IPA
  • language : Choose between English US, English UK and French ('en' or 'fr')

For instance:

from text2ipa import get_IPA
# Convert 'hello world' to English US International Alphabet
text = 'hello world'
language = 'en'
ipa = get_IPA(text, language)
# Convert 'je parle un peu français' to IPA
text = 'je parle un peu français'
language = 'fr'
fr_ipa = get_IPA(text, language)
>> hɛˈloʊ wərld
>> ʒə paʀlɛ yn pəy fʀɑ̃sɛ

Example 2: Convert a bulk


  • get_IPAs() : Convert the list of texts to IPA return the list of IPAs


  • bulk : The list of text want to convert to IPA
  • language : Choose between English US and English UK ('en' or 'fr')

For instance:

from text2ipa import get_IPAs
bulk = ['how are you?','how it\'s going?','that\'s good']
language = 'en'
# Convert a list of text to English UK IPA
IPAs = get_IPAs(bulk,language)
for ipa in IPAs:
>> haʊ ɑː juː?
>> haʊ ɪts ˈgəʊɪŋ?
>> ðæts gʊd

Log Changes

V1.0.0 : Create new with 2 functions get_IPA() and get_IPAs()
V1.2.0 : Update comment and guideline in functions, fixed ERROR for setup with the other Python versions
V1.3.0 : Fixed MISSING install requires and update information for Python versions
V1.4.0 : Update building & testing for this package
V1.4.1 : Fixed Error Import get_IPA() and get_IPAs
V2.0.1 : New feature working with French
V2.0.2 : Update dependencies V2.1.2 : Fixing for some issues, remove English US