
CSSLint loader for Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

csslintloader for webpack


$ npm install csslint-loader


In your webpack configuration

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    loaders: [
        css: /\.css$/,
        loader: "style?css!csslint")
        scss: /\.scsss$/,
        loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style", "css!postcss!csslint!sass")
  // ...


You can pass the following options as a query string

  • configFile (default: looks for .csslintrc in your root directory.)
    Pass in the location/name of file if different
loader: "style?css?csslint?configFile=./config/cs"
  • failWarning (default: true)
    If you don't pass in any config file, csslint's default setting sets all rules to 1 (warning)
    Forcing an error by default on warnings. Can disable by passing false as value
  • failOnError (default: true)
    Passing this as true will fail the build and give the correct exit status