Frontend developer, web designer, musician, and digital creative — I create web applications and websites with performance, accessibility, and aesthetic. 💠
OriumToronto, Ontario
tr1s's Following
- alyssaxuuLondon, UK
- benawadVoidpet
- benborgersBoston, MA
- brunosimonCreative Journey
- cassidooGitHub
- ChristopherBiscardi@rust-adventure
- colindamelioJuno College
- DanWebb@etchteam
- delbaoliveira@vercel
- ericalliConsultant
- gaearon@bluesky-social
- gavinballardDisco
- gorhillCanada / Québec
- ireadeBuycoins
- jlengstorf@learnwithjason
- joshwcomeauMontreal, QC
- justin-chuMeta
- KyleAMathews@electricsql
- lauralouisetToronto
- LeaVerouMIT
- leerob@Vercel
- literallysofiaQonto
- liyasthomas@hoppscotch
- mattdeslArtist
- mlent@affilimateio
- neauoire@hundredrabbits
- raunofreibergEstonia
- raycast
- Rich-HarrisNYC
- sdrasGoogle
- sebmck@rome
- shellscapePalm Trees and Interwebs
- thecodercoder
- timneutkensVercel
- yourpalkatToronto, Canada
- yyx990803vuejs