
Testing framework for determining the effectiveness of adversarial code on Driller (AFL + SE)

Primary LanguageRoff


Testing framework for determining the effectiveness of adversarial code on Driller (AFL + SE). All tests were produced on Ubuntu 16.04 through the shellphish/mechaphish docker image.


Considering the high rate of automation in binary analysis and exploitation, the question spawns: what methods do have to preventing automated hacking. The Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC) hosted by DARPA, proved that we are on the brink of automation, but an effective method to halting executors may be Adversarial code injects.


The purpose of these test are to evaluate the effectiveness of Adversarial code injects on Symbolic Execution and Fuzzing.

Test Components

Installing Driller & Patcherex

The simplest way to use Shellphish's Driller & Patcherex is through their mechaphish docker container

#insall docker
sudo apt-get install docker-ce

#pull the mechaphish container
sudo docker pull shellphish/mechaphish

#run the image with loaded binaries
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/angr/Filler/ shellphish/mechaphish