GoScan % make run
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© 2024 tr41z
Language used: Golang
Github Repo: https://github.com/tr41z/dirgo
http://localhost:8080/passwords 1161 200
http://localhost:8080/index.html 4177 200
http://localhost:8080/.cache 373 200
http://localhost:8080/.config 1031 200
http://localhost:8080/.mysql_history 2038 200
http://localhost:8080/.ssh 299 200
dirgo is a powerful and efficient directory enumeration tool written in Go. It is designed to help security professionals identify hidden files and directories on web servers, providing insights that can assist in security assessments and vulnerability research.
- High-speed scanning using concurrent requests
- Customizable request flags
- Wordlist-based enumeration
- Simple and intuitive command-line interface
- Supports HTTP and HTTPS
To run dirgo, you need to have Go installed on your system. You can download Go from the official website: https://golang.org/dl/.
git clone https://github.com/tr41z/dirgo.git
cd dirgo/cmd/main
go build
./dirgo -u <URL> -w <wordlist> [options]
-u, --url <URL>: Target URL
-w, --wordlist <wordlist>: Path to the wordlist file
-t, --threads <number>: Number of concurrent threads (default: 10)
-s, --status <number>: Target status code (default: 200)
-o, --output <file>: Output results to a file
./dirgo -u http://example.com:8080 -w wordlist.txt -t 20 -s 403 -o results.txt
Running dirgo against targets without explicit permission is illegal. Ensure you have proper authorization before using this tool on any system. The developers of dirgo are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool. Use it responsibly and ethically.
Thank you for using dirgo! Happy scanning and stay ethical!