
How to launch ?

To launch this app you need to do the following :

1.Clone the repository. 2. Run program capable of making APK file, for example Android Studio. 3. Open the cloned repository. 4. Build the app and run it on your Android phone.

How to use ?

The application allows you to search for a repository using Github API. In order to search for the repository enter the owner name and repository form in the following form "owner name/repository name". After that press the search icon.

-When the repository could be found it is being fetched from the remote source, then cached and showed on the next screen. Next screen contains all the commits of that repository, to share them click on checkbox next to the commit and press the send button below on the screen, new window will pop-up enabelilng you to choose an application you wish to use to share the commits.

-When no repository found, next screen is shown informing the user that nothing could be found.