Trac plugin for code comments and sending them to tickets
- adamsilversteinGoogle
- aki77@SonicGarden
- alexc7018Minneapolis, MN
- andywuzhBeijing, China
- aomoriringoTokyo
- cbix@ENLYZE GmbH
- chriswalters
- codepaintersCode Painters
- cyberwani
- danielbachhuberAutomattic
- highcatFreelancer
- igordejanovicUniversity of Novi Sad
- jkudish@MetorikHQ
- jwbober
- klieber@HubSpot
- kokeAutomattic
- kovsheninAutomattic
- lancewillettAutomattic
- ldng
- mirguestIHEP
- mjangda@Automattic @wpcomvip
- nave7693
- netfl0The MITRE Corporation
- NovexMelbourne, Australia
- Orio91
- pajusmarTartu, Estonia
- pombredanne@aboutcode-org and @nexB
- rachelbakerStitch Fix
- rcarmo@Microsoft
- rpalladinoActiveCampaign
- sreenadhKochi
- srl295@codehivetx
- tottGermany, Cologne area
- vsiegelBerlin, Germany
- WraithKenny@AshworthCreative @unFocus @Go-Gladys
- wtnabeKanazawa, Japan