The Web Developer Bootcamp 2024 By Colt Steele

My Notes

Course Documentation

Software Install



VS Code Shortcuts

  • VS User Settings: cmd + ,
  • HTML boilerplate: ! tab key
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  • Command Palette: cmd + shift + p
  • Format code: option + shift + f
    • You can also auto enable auto formatting by searching VS user settings for "format", and also "format html" to turn it on for just html.
  • Duplicate lines shift + option + down arrow or shift + option + up arrow
  • Comment in html: cmd + /
  • Holding option and "clicking in multiple areas" creates multiple cursors if you want to add the same text to the same lines

HTML elements

  • Lists
    • Unordered List<ul></ul>
    • Ordered List <ol></ol>
    • List item <li></li>
  • Images have no closing bracket <img src="filename.jpg" alt="alternate text if picture isn't found or a screenreader is used">
  • Block content to format with CSS <div></div>
  • Inline content to format with CSS <span>some text</span>
    • Unline block its used to format things inline on same line versus creating a block lik <div>
  • Line break, no ending /br <br>
  • A line, not ending /hr<hr>
  • Superscript put text above line for reference call outs<sup></sup> Sasquatch[2]
  • Subscript put text below line scientific formulas <sub></sub> H2O or H8H10N4O2
    • Together Superscipt and Subscript can make fractions <sup>1</sup>/<sub>2</sub> + <sup>1</sup>/<sub>2</sub> = 1 1/2 + 1/2 = 1
  • HTML Entities are like copyright symbols, degrees symbols
    • Start with& and end with ;
    • Examples:
      • less than < &lt;
      • greater than > &gt;
      • Ampersand &&amp;
      • Heart ♥ &hearts;
      • Spade ♠ &spades;

Semantic Markup

Newer way to group content versus just using divs, helps crawlers to identify what are "navs", "main" page content, "footers" etc. Categories your page content for better SEO, accessible.

  • Bad example:
  • Good example:
    • Navigation <nav>
    • Main page content not navigation or search<main>
    • Section is a generic place holder <section>
    • Article for reusable code like a widget, has heading <article>
    • Aside is a side note <aside>
    • Header <header> used above things in page, its not the head
    • Footer of page, you can have more than one per page <footer>
    • Time <time datetime="2024-03-05">July 7</time> July 7
    • Figure is a pic with a caption or could use a div
      •   <figure>
              <img src ="somefile" alt="wolf">
              <figcaption>A wolf in the wild</figcaption>
    • And many more <data>

Screen Reader Demo of

  • On Mac cmd + F5

Emmet Syntax Demo

  • Code
  • Make your html coding fast ffs! Emmet is built into VS Code
  • Cheat sheet
  • Create new page
    • ! tab key
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    • Create "nested" html main>section>h1 tab key
    • Create "sibling" html h1+h2+h3 tab key
    • Create 5 of the same li <li*5
    • Create nested and multiples nav>ul>li*3>a
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
    • Use $ and [href=] to auto enumerate with nav>ul>li*3>a[href=www.$.net]
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
              <li><a href=""></a></li>
    • Use {} for adding in text nav>ul>li*3>a[href=www.$.net]{Click me}
              <li><a href="">Click me</a></li>
              <li><a href="">Click me</a></li>
              <li><a href="">Click me</a></li>

HTML Tables

  • Bad Examples of using tables in the 1900's
  • Bird Species
    • Table standard syntax
          <thead>     <!-- Head of table -->
                  <th>heading 1</th>      <!-- Headings of table -->
                  <th>heading 2</th>
                  <th>heading 3</th>
          <tbody>     <!-- Body of table -- >
              <tr>        <!-- Table row 1 -->
                  <td>test here</td>       <!-- Table text -->
                  <td>test here</td>
                  <td>test here</td>
              <tr>        <!-- Table row 2 -->
                  <td>test here</td>
                  <td>test here</td>
                  <td>test here</td>
          <tfoot>     <!-- Footer of table -->
    • For more complicated table formations use <tr colspan="1"> and <tr rowspan="2">

HTML Forms

  • Code
  • Form syntax
        <form action="/search/">
            <label for="cheese">Do you like cheese?</label>
            <input type="checkbox" name="cheese" id="cheese">
            <input type="text" placeholder="enter some text">
  • Inputs <input type="text"> don't have a closing tag
    • Placeholder <input type="text" placeholder="enter a username">helps tell users what to enter inside input field
  • Labels help identify ids submitted, like checkboxes, ids should be unique
    • They also make it so if you click on form text it will highlight the correct form field
    • Use <label for="somename"> to reference "input" field id <input type="text" id="username" name="username">
    • The name="username" attribute is what gets sent during form submission
      • /search?username=tflande&password=yikes&color=%23d04949&num=4&time=13%3A29
  • Buttons in forms submit them <button></button>
    • Button <button>Send</button> and <button type="submit">Send</button> are the same inside a form
    • Button inside a form that wont submit <button type="button">Send</button>
    • Different way to do button as an input <input type="button" value="Send it"> value is used to name the button, otherwise its call Submit by default
    • Buttons aren't required, user hits enter and form submits
  • Check boxes
    • checked checks the box by default
          <form action="birds">
              <input type="checkbox" name="agree_tos" id="agree" checked>
              <label for="agree">I agree to everything!</label>
  • Radio buttons
    • Using the same name attribute makes a list of radio buttons in a group where only one can be selected, this is where the id attribute is important
      <!-- value attribute is needed -->
      <label for="xs">XS:</label>
      <input type="radio" name="size" id="xs" value="xs">
      <label for="s">S</label>
      <input type="radio" name="size" id="s" value="s">
      <label for="m">M</label>
      <input type="radio" name="size" id="m" value="m">
    • The value attribute is used to signal what radio button was selected once form has been submitted
      • birds?agree_tos=on&size=s
  • Dropdown menus aka selects
    <label for="meal">Please select an entree</label>
    <select name="meal" id="meal">
        <option value="fish">Fish</option>
        <option value="veg">Vegetarian</option>
        <option value="steak" selected>Steak</option>       <!-- default menu item-->
  • Range sliders
    <label for="cheese">Amount of Cheese</label>
    <input type="range" id="cheese" name="cheese" min="1" max="100" step="2" value="75">     <!-- min max required>



CSS Selectors

  • Code
  • Selectors p {}, a{}, h1 {}, h2, h3 {} etc.
  • id selector #mybutton {}: used to target html with id="mybutton"
    • Not commonly used
  • class selector .cool_button {}: used to select html with class="cool_button"
    • most used
  • Descendant selectors
    • Direct selectors h1 > p {}: selects h1 one level down to paragraph
    • Adjacent selectors (combinator) h1 + p {}: Used to select paragraphs immediately followed by h1
  • Attribute selector input[type="text"] { width: 300px; color: yellow; } used to select all attributes of said type "text"
    • Examples:
      • Another option section[class="post"] { color: red; } is the same as saying class="post" in html and css reads { color:red; }
      • * Select all links with work google in them using *= shown a[href*=google] { color: pink; }
      • $ Select all link ending in .org a[href$=".org"] { color: purple; }
      • ~ Select all classes with word logo a[class~="logo"] { padding: 2px; }
  • Pseudo classes :class
    • :active, :hover, :checked, :first, :not, :nth-of-type, and more etc
    • :hover Select all post class buttons: .post button:hover { color: orange; }
    • nth-of-type(x) Select every other post class .post:nth-of-type(2n) { background-color: grey; }
  • Psuedo Elements
    • ::after, ::before, ::first-lettter, ::first-line, ::selection, and more
    • ::first-letter Make all h2 first letter bigger: h2::first-letter { font-size: 50px; }
    • ::first-line Make all paragraph first lines purple p::first-line { color: purple; }
    • ::selection Make all text selection orange: ::selection { color: orange; }

Which CSS selector takes precendence?

  • Order matters! Last set wins
    • Last selector wins
    • Last css file specified in header wins
  • CSS Specificity, which rules to apply when there is a conflict?
    • Order of precendence if used in css style sheet
      1. ID #mybutton
      2. Class .classname
      3. Elements p, a
    • Element vs Class - The more specific wins!
      • button:hover { color: red; } loses over .post button:hover { color: orange; }
    • Order precedence overall
      1. Don't use: Override inline styling of html !important is used in a css stylesheet button { color:firebrick !important; } override the below
      2. Don't use: Inline styling set inside html <button style="color:red">Submit</button>
      3. #ID
      4. .Class
      5. Elements
  • Specificity Calculator

CSS Boxing

  • Code
  • Box borders require 3 parameters border-style, border-color, border-width to show up and box-sizing to remain within specified width constraints
    #box1 {
        width: 100px;
        background-color: black;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: black;
        border-width: 10px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    • Border short hand border: medium dashed green
      • Syntax: border: width | style | color
  • Display Inline or Block
    • width and height are not ignored with regular block elements, but they are for normally inline elements
    • You can change from inline to block, but the above still applies
      • display: inline; to convert block level elements like h1, h2 to inline
      • display: block; to converrt normally inline like span to block
      • display: none; hides from browser view but html is still in page
  • CSS sizes
    • px is pixels
    • em or m
      • 1em is 1x the size of parent size
      • 2em is 2x the size of parent size
      • 0.5 is half the size of the parent size
    • rems
      • scale better than em's
      • using pages default root size verus parent, 1rem will always be same as root or default

Other CSS

Responsive CSS & Flexbox


Pricing Panel Project

Bootstrap CSS Framework

  • Bootstrap
  • Deck
  • Code
  • Uses grids, nav bars, responsive web site framework
  • Installation basics
    • Add bootstrap cdn css before your custom css or you can download it
    • Add js scripts at bottom of page just before closing </body>
  • First bootstrap component is class container
    • Larger margins
    • Containers can be nested inside each other
  • Buttons
  • Typography
    • Use display-1 throught -4 for sizing headers. Not dynamically sized by default.
  • Rows have 12 units that can be divided with columns
  • Columns are inside rows
    • col are auto sized columns
    • col-3 specified use 3 units of the total 12, leaving 9 left.