word puzzle game very similar to NY Times Spelling Bee 🐝 but all hand-made...
- [new puzzle] button
- pick levels / names / indicator (pie chart?)
- leader boards!
wget -qO- '' >| words-scowl.txt
# NO lame 's variants - and NO 's', period
# remove preamble
# lowercase
# 4+ letter words only
# nope
fgrep -vi s words-scowl.txt \
|fgrep -A1000000 -- --- \
|fgrep -v -- --- \
|tr A-Z a-z \
|egrep '^....' \
|egrep -v nigge. \
|sort -u -o words.txt
# find every pangram word containing 7 unique letters
cat words.txt \
|nor 'const chars = [ Set(line.split(""))]; if (chars.length === 7) log(line);' \
|sort -u -o pangrams.txt
Number of Pangrams: 1
Maximum Puzzle Score: 74
Number of Answers: 25
Points Needed for Genius: 52
Genius requires between 8 and 23 words. You need at least a 6-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 90% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 62% of the remaining points to reach genius.
maybe dont allow ING or ED?
you can run this:
and then commit the new puzzles.txt
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