
The mobile application of Tracim

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Tracim's mobile app

Tracim is an open source software designed to help you and your team to a better collaboration.

Any questions, remarks? Reach us on Tracim Community.
More informations on our website.

The Tracim's mobile app allows you to access multiple Tracim servers quickly and easily.

Setting up the development environment

Tracil's mobile app uses React Native CLI and supports Android and iOS.

Android development

First, you will need:

Then, to install our dependencies you can run:

npm install

iOS development

First, you will need:

Then, to install our dependencies you can run:

npx pod-install ios


cd ios
pod install

Setuping devices

You will need to setup a device to test the application. You can use a real device or an emulator.

See the React Native documentation for more information.

Running the application

First, you will need to start Metro, that "takes in an entry file and various options, and returns a single JavaScript file that includes all your code and its dependencies." — Metro Docs

npx react-native start

Then, in an other terminal you can run the application using:

npx react-native run-android


npx react-native run-ios


Bugs and feature requests

If the bug you have found or the feature you want is directly in Tracim itself, you can create an issue in the Tracim repository.

If the bug or feature is application specific, i.e., related to features that you do not find using Tracim in a browser mode, you can submit your issue in this repository.


You can also review the code and propose changes.

For more information, see the Contributing page.


Too know about Tracim's License, see LICENSE.md.


react-native: not found

Sometimes after pulling the latest developments and trying to run npx react-native start the following error appears:

> tracim_mobile_app@0.0.1 start
> react-native start

sh: 1: react-native: not found

To fix this, re-run the npm install command.

[Android] SDK location not found

  • Go to mobile_app/android/
  • Create a file called local.properties and for the content you paste your Android SDK path:
    • in Windows sdk.dir = C:\\Users\\<USERNAME>\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk
    • in MacOS sdk.dir = /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk
    • in Linux sdk.dir = /home/<USERNAME>/Android/Sdk

[Android] BUILD FAILED when run-android

A build can fail for several reasons, if your error is the same as below, you probably have an old version of the application installed on your phone/simulator. Uninstall the old version and relaunch the command.

error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup.
Error: Command failed: ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081

[iOS] No such module found

You probably opened xcodeproj instead of xcworkspace. You should always open on Xcode th file mobile_app/ios/mobile_app.xcworkspace.