
Provides a pull request resource for concourse CI.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Github Pull Request Resource

Tracks pull requests made to a particular github repo. In the spirit of Travis CI, a status of pending, success, or failure will be set on the pull request, which much be explicitly defined in your pipeline.

Please checkout our CI Pipeline.

Deploying to Concourse

In your bosh deployment manifest, add to the groundcrew.additional_resource_types with the following:

- image: docker:///jtarchie/pr
  type: pull-request

Source Configuration

  • repo: Required. The repo name on github. Example: jtarchie/pullrequest-resource

  • access_token: Required. An access token with repo:status access is required for public repos. An access tocken with repo access is required for private repos.

  • uri: Optional. The URI to the github repo. By default, it assumes https://github.com/`repo`.

  • base_url: Optional The base URL for the Concourse deployment, used for linking to builds. On newer versions of Concourse ( >= v0.71.0) , the resource will automatically sets the URL.

  • private_key: Optional. Private key to use when pulling/pushing. Example:

    private_key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      <Lots more text>
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  • api_endpoint: Optional. If the repository is located on a GitHub Enterprise instance you need to specify the base api endpoint (e.g. "https://<hostname>/api/v3/").


check: Check for new pull requests

Concourse resources always iterate over the latest version. This maps well to semver and git, but not with pull requests. To find the latests pull requests, check queries for all PRs, selects only PRs without concourse-ci status messages, and then only returns the oldest one from list.

To ensure that check can iterate over all PRs, you must explicitly define an out for the PR.

in: Clone the repository, at the given pull request ref

Clones the repository to the destination, and locks it down to a given ref.

Submodules are initialized and updated recursively.

out: Update the status of a pull request

Set the status message for concourse-ci context on specified pull request.


  • path: Required. The path of the repository to reference the pull request.

  • status: Required. The status of success, failure, error, or pending.

  • context: Optional. The context on the specified pull request (defaults to status). Any context will be prepended with concourse-ci, so a context of unit-tests will appear as concourse-ci/unit-tests on Github.

Example pipeline

This is what I am currently using to test this resource on Concourse.

- name: repo
  type: pull-request
    access_token: acecss_token
    private_key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      My private key.
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    repo: jtarchie/pullrequest-resource
- name: test pull request
  - get: repo
    trigger: true
  - put: repo
      path: repo
      status: pending
  - task: do something with git
      platform: linux
      image: docker:///concourse/git-resource
        path: sh
        - -c
        - cd repo && git --no-pager show
      - name: repo
        path: ""
  - put: repo
      path: repo
      status: success


Tests can be run two ways, for local feedback and to see how it will run on the resource container.

  1. Local, requires ruby
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
  1. Container, requires requires ruby and docker
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake test