
Modern (2018) boilerplate for ExtendScript (InDesign compatible) projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ExtendScript Project Boilerplate

This boilerplate is configured with the majority of ES5 through ES2018.
Portions are shimmed via ES5-ES6 shims, which have been modified to work with Adobe's ExtendScript implementation of ES3 and does work in InDesign (Desktop and Server) as well as other ExtendScript environments.

  • ES6 module import and export syntax is preferred.
  • global is set
  • console is shimmed


The files src/*.js will be built as entry files. Files in nested directories are not included. All input files require a default export that is a function that will be what is run when the script is loaded.

The following globals are exposed as imports for mocking/testing (see: extendscript-library/passthrough/__mocks__/

  • import console from 'console'
  • import $ from 'helper'
  • import app from 'app'
  • import Window from 'window'
  • import Folder from 'folder'
  • import File from 'file'


The built files are outputted to dist/. Worth noting is there will also be a dist/shims/ directory that is required and referenced as an //@include statement at the top of all output files.

Output files are wrapped in try/catch and the last statement is wrapped with JSON.stringify so that the output is easier to use from calling resources.


Use Date.create (non-standard extension added to this boilerplate) instead of new Date(<string>). It isn't possible to properly shim the Date object's constructor (broken inheritance in Indesign).

You can use const and let inside of functions, but at the module level stick to import statements and var.

es5-shim and es5-sham were hacked to work for use with InDesign within this boilerplate, some features may not work.

The es6-shim-mini is only a couple methods that were easily shimmed.

What doesn't work...

Pretty much anything that relies on property getters/setters and inheritance will not work, this includes some portions of Date, Array, and Number that required shimmed constructors.

  • Class syntax - InDesign has some serious limitations and prevents any practical implementation of classes or inheritance.
  • getters/setters - the ES5sham was hacked to work with webpack, but will not work properly for any use.
  • Promises, generators, async - the usage of anything related to Promises, generators and async is problematic and should be avoided.
  • Maps - Maps, WeakMaps and similar do not work.
  • Symbols - Symbols do not work.
  • Async import() method does not work, you can use ES6 module import and export


  • Flush out the test mocks for imports of runtime globals (app, $, File, Folder, Window).
  • Enhanced wrappers for filesystem access
  • Extend JSON.parse shime to use evalscript instead of parsing very large JSON.
  • Other extensions and wrappers for better interaction with CEP Extensions.
    • Enhanced wrappers for event-emitters (CEP to ExtendScript and vice-versa).
    • Shims for setTimeout and setInterval (CEP only)
    • Wrapping methods for exposed functions to normalise and stringify JSON response.


  • Boilerplate for CEP extension (React, Redux, MaterialUI)
  • Stand alone CLI builder.