
Terraform module which creates Client VPN resources on AWS

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS Client VPN Terraform module

Terraform module which creates Client VPN Endpoint resources on AWS.

These type of resources are supported:

  • ACM Certificate
  • EC2 Client VPN Endpoint
  • EC2 Client VPN Network association
  • CloudWatch Log Group
  • CloudWatch Log Stream

Terraform versions

Terraform 0.12 and newer.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
aws >= 2.49

Upcoming features

  • Client certificate revocation list
  • Self Service VPN Portal


This project is using terraform to deploy infrastructure, you can download it here: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli


$ cd ./tf
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

You may need to add execution permission :

chmod u+x .terraform/modules/client_vpn/scripts/*


$ terraform destroy


Using federated authentification (best security) :

module "client_vpn" {
  source                = "github.com/trackit/terraform-aws-client-vpn?ref=v0.2.0"
  region                = "us-east-1"
  env                   = "production"
  cert_issuer           = "mycompany.internal"
  cert_server_name      = "mycompany"
  aws_tenant_name       = "aws"
  clients               = ["client"]
  subnet_id             = "subnet-12345678"
  client_cidr_block     = ""
  target_cidr_block     = ""
  vpn_name              = "My VPN Endpoint"
  client_auth           = "federated-authentication"
  saml_provider_arn     = "arn:12345678"

Server certificate authentification only (less secure)

  • You can find the generated Client VPN configuration into your terraform folder.
  • Be carefull no user/password needed. Only the configuration file so do not lost it.
module "client_vpn" {
  source                = "github.com/trackit/terraform-aws-client-vpn?ref=v0.2.0"
  region                = "us-east-1"
  env                   = "production"
  cert_issuer           = "mycompany.internal"
  cert_server_name      = "mycompany"
  aws_tenant_name       = "aws"
  clients               = ["client"]
  subnet_id             = "subnet-12345678"
  client_cidr_block     = ""
  target_cidr_block     = ""
  vpn_name              = "My VPN Endpoint"
  client_auth           = "certificate-authentication"

Variable list

Name Description Type Default
region Region to work on. string
env The environment (e.g. prod, dev, stage) string "prod"
clients A list of client certificate name list(string) ["client"]
cert_issuer Common Name for CA Certificate list(string) "CA"
cert_server_name Name for the Server Certificate string "Server"
aws_tenant_name Name for the AWS Tenant string "AWS"
key_save_folder Where to store keys (relative to pki folder) string "clientvpn_keys"
subnet_id The subnet ID to which we need to associate the VPN Client Connection. string
target_cidr_block The CIDR block to wich the client will have access to. Might be VPC CIDR's block for example. string
dns_servers Information about the DNS servers to be used for DNS resolution. A Client VPN endpoint can have up to two DNS servers. list(string) null
vpn_name The name of the VPN Client Connection. string "VPN"
cloudwatch_enabled Indicates whether connection logging is enabled. bool true
cloudwatch_log_group The name of the cloudwatch log group. string vpn_endpoint_cloudwatch_log_group
cloudwatch_log_stream The name of the cloudwatch log stream. string vpn_endpoint_cloudwatch_log_stream
aws_cli_profile_name The name of the aws cli profile used in scripts string default
client_auth the type of client authentication to be used : certificate-authentication / directory-service-authentication / federated-authentication string certificate-authentication
active_directory_id The ID of the Active Directory to be used for authentication if type is directory-service-authentication string null
root_certificate_chain_arn The ARN of the client certificate. The certificate must be signed by a certificate authority (CA) and it must be provisioned in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Only necessary when type is set to certificate-authentication. string null
saml_provider_arn The ARN of the IAM SAML identity provider if type is federated-authentication string null


Name Description
decrypt_command Output of the decrypt script
encrypt_command Output of the encrypt script
server_certificate_arn The ARN of the generated Server Certificate
env Environment variable
pki_folder_name Generated certificate folder
client_vpn_endpoint_id The ID of the Client VPN endpoint.
client_vpn_endpoint_arn The ARN of the Client VPN endpoint.
client_vpn_endpoint_dns_name The DNS name to be used by clients when establishing their VPN session.
client_vpn_endpoint_status The current state of the Client VPN endpoint.

How does it work ?

Server certificate generation (scripts/prepare_easyrsa.sh)

  1. Clone the latest easy-rsa repo.
  2. Generate the CA and Server certificates and keys.
  3. Copy the files to the defined KEY_SAVE_FOLDER.
  4. the Server certificate is uploaded into AWS ACM.

Client certificate generation (scripts/create_client.sh)

  1. Using the previous created PKI, generate a client certificate / key pair.
  2. Then move it to the KEY_SAVE_FOLDER.

Create a VPN Endpoint Ressource

resource "aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint" "client_vpn" {
  depends_on             = [aws_acm_certificate.server_cert]
  description            = var.vpn_name
  server_certificate_arn = aws_acm_certificate.server_cert.arn
  client_cidr_block      = var.client_cidr_block
  split_tunnel           = true
  dns_servers            = var.dns_servers

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [server_certificate_arn, authentication_options]

  authentication_options {
    type                        = var.client_auth
    active_directory_id         = var.active_directory_id
    root_certificate_chain_arn  = var.root_certificate_chain_arn
    saml_provider_arn           = var.saml_provider_arn

  connection_log_options {
    enabled               = var.cloudwatch_enabled
    cloudwatch_log_group  = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.client_vpn.name
    cloudwatch_log_stream = aws_cloudwatch_log_stream.client_vpn.name

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    environment = merge(local.provisioner_base_env, {
      "CLIENT_VPN_ID" = self.id
    command = "${path.module}/scripts/authorize_client.sh"

  tags = {
    Name = var.vpn_name

Authorize the VPN Traffic (scripts/authorize_client.sh)

  1. With aws-cli allow traffic to TARGET_CIDR from CLIENT_VPN_ID

Generate the vpn configuration (scripts/export_client_vpn_config.sh)

  1. With aws-cli export the ovpn configuration file.
  2. Add the client certificate to end of it.
  3. Add the opvn configuration to AWS VPN Client.
  4. Start the VPN.