- 5
[Help needed?] Adding DoS/DDoS methods
#30 opened - 4
#14 opened by trackmastersteve - 1
Bug in SASL
#27 opened by trackmastersteve - 1
I don't know how to use to join channel
#23 opened by 3wh1te - 1
Only .help command work :(
#20 opened by Oxyaxion - 1
Bot Won Join Channel
#15 opened by SecKiller - 2
Reverse Shell won't connect
#8 opened by trackmastersteve - 3
won't reconnect EDIT: ping timeout
#7 opened by trackmastersteve - 2
sending "wrong password" to nickserv
#4 opened by trackmastersteve - 1
.cycle bug
#2 opened by trackmastersteve - 1
.notice bug
#1 opened by trackmastersteve - 0
.help bug
#6 opened by trackmastersteve - 0
'.nick' crashes bot
#5 opened by trackmastersteve