
Ethereum by example. For zeh n00bs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Howto Ethereum by example

To educate my ass, about the biggest since the invetion of zeh intertubes. I have created these simple examples to see all the gears moving inside of Ethereum. Very basic stuff, so open yourself a terminal and type away!

Getting started

These are all examples for edu porpuses, do not use for as live code!


Before you start, all examples are on OSX with Node, npm and brew installed.


Install ethereum dependencies

brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum

Install EthereumJS Test RPC globally

npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc

Run a private chain

When starting EthereumJS TestRPC you will get premade accounts with balances, private keys and Mnemonic. Use the Mnemonic to restore the wallets. After that you can import private keys as you please.


Connect wallet to private chain

So we need a wallet to see the transactions happening.

Mist wallet

Open wallet with rpc command

/Applications/Ethereum\ Wallet.app/Contents/MacOS/Ethereum\ Wallet --rpc http://localhost:8545


Due to some weird bug, I had to switch to the main network and back to test a couple of times to get everything going.

Connect to http://localhost:8545

Running examples

If all went well you should end up with running privatechain and a wallet connected to that network.

Now dive into the examples dir and continue.

cd nodejs-examples

Some reference

Oooo all the glorious nifty tools are making me cry. Some links for the lazy :D


Dev tools
