
C++ code that loads mnist trained model using caffe. It used the model to classify digits from png images

Primary LanguageC++


This C++ code loads a mnist trained model using Caffe. It uses the model to classify digits inside png images.


To build this code, you need to have Caffe, CUDA and OpenCV installed on your device. If you are going to build this code on your device, make sure to update the makefile with the correct paths. The makefile build the classification code for CPU usage. You will need to change that to use GPU Once you make the classification.x file. You need to update the shared library path using your Caffe installation path



classification.x takes the name of image as argument to classify.

./classification.x ./samples/img_1_2.png

This code is based on information from the following links

Deploy Trained Network

Cpp Classification

The output should look like this:

Image./samples/img_1_2.png Classified as >> 1 one