Spring 2020 CSCI-4380 Database Systems Final Project

1. General description

This project created a Postgres database based on three public datasets: Motor vehicle collisions of New York City, Climate daily summaries of New York City, and COVID-19 Testing in New York State. The GUI module Tkinter is applied to facilitate users' exploration and interaction with the database.

2. Code organization

  • db-setup.sql: Create database with specified user and user password
  • requirements.txt: Declare the dependencies of this project
  • datasets.txt: Contains three URLs for the the three datasets
  • retrieve_data.py: Download the three datasets in a newly created folder datasets/
  • load_data.py: Load the data of the three datasets into the database
  • schema.sql: Create three temporary tables for the three datasets
  • table.sql: Create the tables for the database and then drop the temporary tables created by schema.sql
  • application.py: Create a user interface for users' interaction with database, the extracted information is displayed both on terminal and UI
  • video.txt: The link for video presentation

3. How to run the code

  1. Setup the database
    psql -U postgres postgres < db-setup.sql
  2. Install the dependencies of this project
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download the datasets
    python retrieve_data.py
  4. Load the datasets into database
    python load_data.py
  5. Running the application
    • Run application
      python application.py
    • Go to the UI popped up on the screen
    • Input the the information in the entries if neccessary
    • Click submit button and the exacted information is displayed both on UI and command line
    • Please see the details in the User Interface section below

4. User Interface

Covid19-1: check new positive case and total tests

  • Input: (date, county to be checked) e.g. (2020-3-4, Albany)
  • Output: the new positive cases and total tests conducted in Albany on Mar 03 2020

Covid19-2: top counties with the largest amount of new tesing positives.

  • Input: (start date, end date, top n counties to be checked), e.g. (2020-3-4, 2020-4-3, 5)
  • Output: top 5 counties with the largest number of new positive cases from Mar 4 to Apr 3 2020

Covid19-3: calculate the positivity rate

  • Input:(start date, end date, county), e.g. (2020-3-4, 2020-4-3, Albany)
  • Output: the ratio of (new positives/total number of tests performed)

Crash-1: rank the most common factors contributing to crashs in NYC

  • Input: 'top number of factors to be checked, e.g. (5)
  • Output: top n most common factors that contribute to crashs in NYC.

Crash-2: rank boroughs the number of crashes

  • Input: (start_date, end_date), e.g. (2020-3-4, 2020-4-3)
  • Output: boroughs and corresponding number of total crashes occured in descending order

Crash & Weather-1: compute average number of crashes in special weather type

  • Input: (weather type), input one of the types below
    • snow, rain, thunder, fog, smoke, mist, glaze, drizzle, wind
    • For instance, if snow is choosen, it will calculate the average number of crashed by dividing the number of crashes occurring on 'snowy' with the number of days it 'snows'
  • Output: the number of crashes per day in this weather type

Crash & Weather-2: calculate average crashes within the precipitation range

  • Input: (lower limit of precipitation, upper limit of precipitation)
  • Output: the average number of crashes occurring with the precipitation in selected range.


How to Program a GUI Application (with Python Tkinter)
Building Out The GUI for our Database App - Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial #20