
Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Kyrix-J Installation

  • Checkout the kyrixj branch of the kyrix repo:

    git checkout kyrixj
  • Use this command to start the Kyrix docker containers (using port 5433 is important):

    sudo ./run-kyrix.sh --build --dbport 5433
  • Load mondial.sql into kyrix db (using load-sql.sh provided by Kyrix):

    sudo ./docker-scripts/load-sql.sh <path to mondial.sql>
  • Now, go to the Kyrix-J repo. Replace the IP address in this line with your own ip address. This ip can also be localhost if client and server are both on your own machine.

  • Set env variable KYRIXJ_PROJECT to mondial:

    export KYRIXJ_PROJECT=mondial

    Or to do it permanently you can add it as one line in ~/.bashrc

  • Install latest node and npm, and run npm i under three folders: authoring/, client/ and client/auto-complete

  • Make a new directory for the auto-generated Kyrix app, and copy the Kyrix compile script into it:

    mkdir authoring/apps/mondial/output/
    cp ../Kyrix/docker-scripts/compile.sh authoring/apps/mondial/output/compile.sh
    cd authoring/apps/mondial/output/ && chmod +x compile.sh
  • Under authoring, run npm start. This will generate a Kyrix app, load it into the kyrix backend and also generate some metadata stuff for the frontend.

  • Under client/auto-complete, run npm start. This is the Kyrix-J middleware (backend) used only for search queries under dev mode. In prod mode, this will also serve the React production build.

  • Under client/, run npm start to start the frontend.

  • Go to <ip>:3000 to see the app.