
Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs, footnotes, open emails, organize ideas

Primary LanguageVim script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=293


It brings the benefits of URL-based hyperlinking to plain text, extending the
URL syntax for plain text needs, in accordance with the RFC 2396 (towards
current RFC 3986) URL specification.

Utl is very easy to start. Just  :so %  the .vba file and dive into the live examples
of the doc.


- Open any URLs found in text with appropriate handler
- Open files of any media type from within Vim (.pdf, .jpg, etc)
- Small helper utilities via embedded Vimscript
- Project management
- Organizing ideas
- Commenting source code
- Personal Wiki
- Editing HTML
- Bookmark files, directories, URLs


- Well documented and helpful verbose mode
- Is easy to get started
- Stays out of the way, no side effects
- Extensible

Hypertext, URL, URI, email, footnotes, Wiki, bookmarks


The most important changes are:

- Added generic media type handler: open .pdf, .doc,
  .jpg etc without the need to define handler variables.
- Added support for footnote references: make "[1]"
- Added scheme to open emails, e.g.
  <mail:///Inbox?26.07.2008 16:01>
- Added verbose mode: Better figure out what's going on
- Added 'copy link/filename to clipboard' function
- Changed user interface: Basic Command :Utl instead
  only mapping \gu
- Alternate http access method: open web documents
  directly in Vim
- Support network files (shares, NFS), e.g.
- Improved jumping back and forth
- More versatile scheme handler interface
- Fixed Bugs


For live examples and tutorial you can have a look into the docs
without installing by opening the download link below and search
for "getStarted"