
Swiss Army Knife,Dark power (neo)vim config

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🍎 vinux

Vim config just like my panties,But there are chikans(痴汉) want to steal my panties!!!

Quick Install

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://git.io/vNDOQ)"


vinux works in most environments, the philosophy of vinux is customization, it does this by modifying features, see following wiki for detail.

vinux's wiki


  • More then 5000+ line. More complicate then 99.99% of other vim config.
  • Modular.
  • Spacemacs-like keymap.
  • Lazyload.
  • Compatiable with Vim 7.3.
  • Optimize for Linux kernel and uboot development.

Todo list

  • use stable version of plugin instead of newest version

Buy me a coffee
