
Python script to convert Logseq markdown to syntax that looks also good in Obsidian

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple Python script to convert Logseq markdown to syntax that looks also good in Obsidian.

I love using Logseq to take note. But I am a bit not satisfied (I am greedy 😎) when Obsidian has very fluent mobile experience and a cool graph view. So, I want both 😙. This script lets me take notes in Logseq and easily convert them for Obsidian. That way, I can check my notes on my phone or enjoy the graph view whenever I want 😆.

How to run

python batch_convert.py --file_path graph --dest_path obsidian_vault


  • --file_path: Path to the Logseq notes directory to process. (The script will not change anything in this directory.)
  • --dest_path: Path to the destination directory. (If this directory exists, the script will delete it and create a new one.)

Your Logseq notes directory will be like this:

├── assets/
│   ├── image.png
│   └── ...
├── journals/
│   ├── 2024_08_08.md
│   └── ...
└── pages/
    ├── notes.md
    └── ...
  • The assets directory, along with its contents, will be copied to the destination without changes.
  • The pages and journals directories contain markdown files to be converted.


This script is experimental and may not work for all cases.

Note that the script will delete existing content in the destination directory.

Recommend you copy the assets, journals and pages directories to a newly created directory named graph in this current directory.

And keep using --dest_path obsidian_vault which create a new directory named obsidian_vault in this current directory to store all the converted markdown files.

Conversion Process

For each .md in pages, journals, the script:

  1. Processes the properties in the beginning of the file
  2. Removes the leading '-', indentation but preserving code block indentation
  3. Converts or delete special syntax It caters to the following syntax:
    • Convert special syntax:
      • ![image.jpg](image.jpg){:height 300, :width 600} to ![image.jpg|600](image.jpg)
      • {{cloze XXX}} to XXX
      • DONE to - [X]
      • TODO to - [ ]
    • Deletes syntax that is not used in Obsidian:
      • collapsed:: true
      • logseq.order-list-type:: number
      • background-color:: XXX
      • card-last-score:: XXX
      • card-repeats:: XXX
      • card-next-schedule:: XXX
      • card-last-interval:: XXX
      • card-ease-factor:: XXX
      • card-last-reviewed:: XXX
    • Converts syntax of callouts

Example Result

Original Logseq Note

- Sample
	- This is a ordered list
	  logseq.order-list-type:: number
	- This is a ordered list
	  logseq.order-list-type:: number
		- This is another ordered list
		  logseq.order-list-type:: number
			- This is also another ordered list
			  logseq.order-list-type:: number
	- This is level-2
- This is level-1
	- ```py
	  # Python code in level-2
	  def func(a, b):
	  	return a, b
	- This is table in level-2
	  |Column header1| Column header2|
	  |Column1 content|Column2 content|
- $a$

Converted Note

View here.

Automation (Optional)

automation.sh is a script that perform conversion automatically. You just need to change LOGSEQ_SOURCE and OBSIDIAN_DESTINATION to the path to your Logseq directory and Obsidian directory respectively.

LOGSEQ_SOURCE="/Users/tracywong/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~logseq~logseq/Documents"
OBSIDIAN_DESTINATION="/Users/tracywong/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/Tracy's Notes"


This script will delete asset, journals, pages folder inside your Obsidian directory if any. Please be careful and backup your files before running this script.

Schedule with Cron: (Optional)

If you want to run automation.sh every day, then schedule with Cron.

  1. Make the script executable:
chmod +x automation.sh
  1. Open the crontab file for editing:
crontab -e
  1. Add the following line to run the script every midnight:
0 0 * * * /path/to/run_conversion.sh


0 0: At minute 0 and hour 0 (midnight).

* * *: Every day of the month, every month, and every day of the week.