
Android web view app, suited for most of the web app. You can easily make an android app by converting your existing website to APP using this code.


The Following Options along with standard webview is Available over This Project, Kindly note this is note a NATIVE APP - Completely depends on INTERNET

  1. Full Screen WebView apt for publishing webAPPs over Android
  2. Support File Uploads, Capturing Geo Location etc
  3. Support UPI deeplinking - URI
  4. Error Handling - Error on connection lost and automatically resumes when connection get back
  5. Progress indicator
  6. Supports WebRTC connections from the webView browser - Used for enabling Conferencing features over the webAPP
  7. Support video Full Screen view etc. to support embeded videos like Youtube, Facebook, Vmieo etc.
  8. Improved performance

This Code work with Android Studio 4.1

Please download and open the project and change the URL, change ICON etc and then it is easy for you to use it for your projects.

Kindly notify if you face any issues