
Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

This repository contains the Joe Limit Order contract.

This contracts allows users to place limit orders using the Liquidity Book protocol. It allows to create orders for any Liquidity Book pair V2.1.

The flow of the Limit Order Manager is the following:

  • Users create orders for a specific pair, type (bid or ask), price (bin id) and amount (in token Y for bid orders and token X for ask orders) which will be added to the liquidity book pair.
  • Users can cancel orders, which will remove the liquidity from the liquidity book pair according to the order amount and send the token amounts back to the user (the amounts depend on the bin composition).
  • Users can execute orders, which will remove the liquidity from the order and send the token to the Limit Order Manager contract.
  • Users can claim their executed orders, which will send a portion of the token received from the execution to the user (the share depends on the total executed amount of the orders).

Users can place orders using the placeOrder function by specifying the following parameters:

  • tokenX: the token X of the liquidity book pair
  • tokenY: the token Y of the liquidity book pair
  • binStep: the bin step of the liquidity book pair
  • orderType: the order type (bid or ask)
  • binId: the bin id of the order, which is the price of the order
  • amount: the amount of token to be used for the order, in token Y for bid orders and token X for ask orders Orders can't be placed in the active bin id. Bid orders need to be placed in a bin id greater than the active id, while ask orders need to be placed in a bin id lower than the active bin id.

Users can cancel orders using the cancelOrder function by specifying the same parameters as for placeOrder but without the amount parameter. If the order is already executed, it can't be cancelled, and user will need to claim the filled amount. If the user is trying to cancel an order that is inside the active bin id, he may receive a partially filled order, according to the active bin composition.

Users can claim orders using the claimOrder function by specifying the same parameters as for placeOrder but without the amount parameter. If the order is not already executed, but that it can be executed, it will be executed first and then claimed. If the order isn't executable, it can't be claimed and the transaction will revert. If the order is already executed, the user will receive the filled amount.

Users can execute orders using the executeOrder function by specifying the same parameters as for placeOrder but without the amount parameter. If the order can't be executed or if it is already executed, the transaction will revert.

Install foundry

Foundry documentation can be found here.

On Linux and macOS

Open your terminal and type in the following command:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

This will download foundryup. Then install Foundry by running:


To update foundry after installation, simply run foundryup again, and it will update to the latest Foundry release. You can also revert to a specific version of Foundry with foundryup -v $VERSION.

On Windows

If you use Windows, you need to build from source to get Foundry.

Download and run rustup-init from rustup.rs. It will start the installation in a console.

After this, run the following to build Foundry from source:

cargo install --git https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry foundry-cli anvil --bins --locked

To update from source, run the same command again.

Install dependencies

To install dependencies, run the following to install dependencies:

forge install


To run tests, run the following command:

forge test