## Ceremony Client Update Script

This script automates the process of updating the Ceremony Client on your system.


  • This script is designed to run on systems with root access.
  • It assumes the script will be downloaded and executed on the target machine.


  1. Copy and Paste the Command: Open a terminal window on your target machine and copy the following commands:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tradersquareoff/ceremonyclient_update_script/main/upgrade.sh
    chmod +x /root/upgrade.sh
  2. Execute the Commands:

    • Important: These commands require root privileges. You might be prompted for your password.
    • Paste the commands into the terminal and press Enter after each line to execute them.

Script Functionality:

  • The first command downloads the update script (upgrade.sh) from a specific URL on GitHub.
  • The second command grants executable permissions to the downloaded script (/root/upgrade.sh).
  • The third command runs the downloaded script (./upgrade.sh) to perform the update process.