
🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to TradingView (widgets, charting library, lightweight-charts, etc)

Awesome TradingView

🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to TradingView (Widgets, Advanced Charts library, Lightweight Charts™, etc)

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TradingView Widgets

Grab powerful charts and add real-time financial quotes onto your site as quickly as it takes you to pour a morning coffee. Just copy and paste our simple iFrame codes and away you go.

Advanced Charts Library

The library that forms the beating heart of the financial web. Free and feature-rich.

Lightweight Chartsâ„¢ Library

An entire of library of unparalleled usability, at just 45 KB. The Lightweight Chartsâ„¢ library is the best choice for you if you want to display financial data as an interactive chart on your web page without affecting your web page loading speed and performance. Free and open-source.


Charting library

Examples (work out of the box)

Data connection

Lightweight Charts

