
Add changelog / releases / tags

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Have you considered adding documentation for releases? Right now I can't seem to find any details regarding what has changed (I'm aware I could look at the commits, but that's a bit cumbersome). Would you be open to adding a file or changing the publish process to describe updates on Github releases?

@perry-mitchell i'm open to it, can you describe the publish process you have in mind? Also: what kind of additional information would it provide in addition to commit messages? What additional work would it require from maintainers / PR submitters?

Well since this is an npm package, you could use something like np to do the releasing. I commonly attach it as an package.json script called pub which just executes np. This is nice because it:

  • Publishes the package to npm
  • Runs tests before publishing
  • Commits and tags the new version
  • Pushes the commit and tag automatically

For the changelog, it could be based off the commits so no extra work is needed. Using something like generate-changelog could make this a breeze.

The new release process, without any internal steps you perform, could be:

  1. Merge any new features
  2. Run npm run pub
  3. Select the desired version to bump to
  4. Wait for the changelog to be generated
  5. Wait for np to run tests and publish

If you're interested in any part of this process, I'd happily make a PR.

@perry-mitchell sounds good to me. I would accept a PR for this :)

closing due to inactivity