hack to allow react-native projects to use node core modules, and npm modules that use them
- 4
https module doesn't seems to be working properly
#137 opened by bsumer-wyn - 6
- 0
Strange error occurred
#138 opened by PavloKon - 1
Specific Module Installation Fails with --hack Flag
#136 opened by Ham3798 - 2
#132 opened by sleep9 - 1
Cannot build IOS bundle in production mode
#134 opened by fifa-master - 2
shim.js issue on IOS
#116 opened by rares-lupascu - 0
#133 opened by krisidmisso - 1
shim for react-native-tls
#129 opened by cowlabs-xyz - 0
prevent hacking specific module
#131 opened by nriccar - 4
modules broken after single package install
#130 opened by nriccar - 1
#128 opened by WeezyBigD69 - 0
Cannot read property 'call' of undefined when calling createHmac function from crypto
#127 opened by anis-18 - 3
failed to parse package.json on windows
#122 opened by sameer-primelab - 17
Not working with expo and stream
#77 opened by kparkov - 0
error Couldn't find the binary git.
#121 opened by pradeepsimba - 0
what is shim ?
#120 opened by pradeepsimba - 0
Request: Add ffjavascript support
#119 opened by Darjusch - 0
Security issues
#118 opened by altaga - 2
very awesome and useful project
#115 opened by tokenswaporg - 2
Unable to resolve module stream
#106 opened by hsnGh67 - 3
Incompatibility with React Native v0.65.1
#108 opened by afaqRns - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
RNRandomBytes.seed null is not an object
#91 opened by Yasir-Shah - 4
pbkdf2 hack breaks the lib
#104 opened by Fubinator - 3
How to use with Yarn Workspaces
#95 opened by annie-elequin - 2
bug: pbkdf2 Unexpected token
#102 opened by adeyahya - 1
- 0
- 2
rn-nodeify vs node-libs-browser
#98 opened by emclab - 1
react-native-level-fs@3.0.1 requires a peer of asyncstorage-down@>=3.0.0 <5.0.0 but none is installed
#89 opened by pcowgill - 4
Duplicate symbols for architecture arm64 error after adding library to project
#93 opened by andrewsadowski - 0
RN 0.62.0 Compatibility (cause duplicate symbols about multiple copy of CocoaAsyncSocket)
#94 opened by vergil-zhao - 3
Should this be in devDependencies ?
#92 opened by Overtorment - 2
No native build was found, react native
#90 opened by Saul-BT - 1
- 2
can't find Buffer
#85 opened by rishabh-pandey-sternx - 3
Consider linking to an additional alternative to ReactNativify and this, extraNodeModules
#86 opened by pcowgill - 2
- 20
TypeError: main.startsWith is not a function
#74 opened by badver - 4
- 7
- 2
- 6
null is not an object (evaluating '/[0-9]\.[0-9]+/.exec(process.versions.v8)[0]')
#80 opened by bobangajicsm - 4
Add support for typed arrays
#72 opened by Firescar96 - 1
Update readme to reflect added yarn support
#79 opened by izakgl - 6
Terminal gets frozen during installation process
#78 opened by HugoSanchez