
Primary LanguageGo


An implementation of the classic game Hunt the Wumpus written in Go. This project is intended to be an introduction to programming for total beginners. For that reason it lacks complex stuff such as a randomly generated cave. It is also split into four steps, each introducing a new concept.

Step 1: Variables and Functions

In this step we start with there very basics. The goal is to make a "Hello World" program, and then expand it to read user input, storing that value in a variable and then printing it out. Also quickly mention the packages that gets used, like fmt and bufio.

Step 2: For and If

Here we move on to cove the for loop as well as if statements. Expanding on the code from step 1 we now make it ask for the users name, check it, print it and repeat.

Step 3: Types

We now move on to types, creating a type for the player and a type for the rooms of the cave. We also briefly cover stuff like error handling and pointers here.

Step 4: Start making the game

Now we have all the tools we need to start coding for real! Provided in this step is the relavent parts of the code from the prior steps plus some comments on what needs to be done. An example of the final code is located in the "final" folder.