This is a CakePHP 2.2.X Plugin.
The Plugin helps you to set up a timeable for any kind of event with multipli workshops and speakers
Version 0.2
License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) <2012>
- CakePHP 2.2.X
- MongoDB (You need to install the PHP MongoDB Driver)
Clone this repo like
git clone git:// Timetable
in your Plugin folder
- TimetableAppController
- TimetableContoller - Dashboard, Settings
- EventsController - Veranstaltungen/Events
- WorkshopsController - Workshop/Kurse/Vortrag
- SpeakersController - Referenten
- Event
- Speaker
- Workshop
- CssCrush (as plugin included)
- MarkItUp! (as plugin included)
- MongoDB (as plugin included)
- HTML Kickstart
- JQuery
- Backbone.js
all Routes use the HTTP GET Method
- /events - returns all events
- /events/(id) - returns a single event
- /workshops - returns all workshops
- /workshops/(id) - returns a single workshop
- /speakers - returns all speakers
- /speakers/(id) - returns a single speakers
- Nicolas Traeder aka traedamatic
- Haithem Bel Haj
- new Model Topics. Now with description, color and name.
- Workshop add now depends on the topics in the DB.
- backend tables are now sortable.
- other minor bugfixes.
- workshop bugfixin
- first release