- 0
Need to ignore version number in importing third party libraries and automate the process of importing
#1682 opened by t04dJ14n9 - 0
min/max functions are undefined
#1674 opened by lboynton - 1
Eval does not release memory/ has a memory leak
#1678 opened by andig - 0
EvalPath not working with a directory
#1676 opened by SolarLune - 0
- 0
if func g calls f, and f is re-defined, g must use the new not the old version of f.
#1673 opened by glycerine - 0
go:generate yaegi extract "XXX" not support custom tags
#1671 opened by Tudongye - 2
panic: reflect.Value.Call: call of nil function
#1663 opened by duj4 - 0
Better error messages
#1669 opened by andig - 0
run: 498:22: "undefined type for E"
#1668 opened by LazataknesSoftware - 4
Unable to install on Windows amd64 Go 1.23
#1659 opened by brandonkal - 0
Impossible local import
#1666 opened by morzan1001 - 0
panic: reflect.Set: value of type interface {} is not assignable to type XXX
#1667 opened by ChaosNyaruko - 0
If the nested structures are interpreted, it will result in an infinite loop.
#1665 opened by fskypro - 0
Extract generates wrappers for internal package methods for
#1664 opened by phanvanpeterbloomreach - 0
Nested type definitions used in functions
#1662 opened by Chicken935 - 0
Incorrectly assumes int64 when bit shifting
#1661 opened by Chicken935 - 0
I should be able to quit the program on CLI with a command
#1660 opened by Yigaue - 0
- 0
add windows binaries
#1657 opened by lublak - 1
CFG post-order panic: ... incomplete type (on Windows)
#1652 opened by saurabh-io - 0
Embedding of 'Anonymous' structs is broken
#1656 opened by connor-strata - 1
- 0
- 4
Interpreted closures mixed with "binary" functions don't capture values correctly
#1634 opened by theclapp - 0
reflect: call of reflect.Value.Uint on int Value
#1653 opened by ISNing - 0
Assignment statement compile panic
#1606 opened by chikaku - 1
- 0
impossible type assertion
#1651 opened by thorsager - 0
- 0
panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [1:0]
#1649 opened by muazhari - 4
Segfault when using zap logging
#1639 opened by pvbouwel - 2
The collision resolution mechanism in `ImportUsed` is insufficient when importing > 2 packages with the same base name
#1637 opened by theclapp - 0
`interp/type.go` can return a `nil` value (and no error, either) in `nodetype2`, which causes a panic
#1636 opened by theclapp - 1
Still problems assigning to variables in other packages from `main`, whether in "binary" or fully-interpreted code
#1632 opened by theclapp - 0
- 1
External packages still not working
#1612 opened by rive-n - 7
- 5
import error
#1630 opened by wubonetcn - 5
Cannot assign to variable in imported package
#1623 opened by theclapp - 0
calling Symbols("") on new interpreter with stdlib.Symbols crashes with panic: reflect: call of MakeFunc with non-Func type
#1629 opened by rcoreilly - 1
crash when iterator is nil in rangeMap
#1622 opened by poolpOrg - 3
significant memory leak when executing a lambda
#1618 opened by poolpOrg - 0
crash when assigning to underscore
#1619 opened by poolpOrg - 1
When I tried to modify the code in the example, I got a panic, because bar.NewFoo returns a *struct { A string }, not a *bar.Foo
#1616 opened by Softwarekang - 0
import "" issue
#1613 opened by caiuskong - 0
Goto label undefined
#1611 opened by wdonne - 0
- 1
- 0
JSON marshall not working correctly when invoked via function parameter as interface
#1605 opened by urbim