OSCAR is a tool to create beautiful graphic user interaces (GUIs) to send OSC messages and control interactive installations (Resolume arena, Touch Designer, Ableton, Processing, PD, UNITY, Unreal, etc). Let's create beautiful, responsive and touchable interfaces.
- aaronilai
- ajinkyapuarPune, India
- akarak
- atharvapatilLabelbox
- bevchou
- bforest-ariadne
- billythemusicalBrooklyn, NY
- bomanimcBrooklyn, NY
- ChelseaChenC
- chrishamantMilewide
- eccoscreensan francisco, ca
- elekezemlUll Group
- ellennicklesNYU ITP / IMA / Low Res
- EmceelambInternet
- jps723
- lacouture100Brooklyn,New York
- LRitesh
- mithruNew York City
- montoyamoraga@disenoUDP
- nerrull
- nkumar23New York, NY
- noufpyNew York, NY
- osmanzekiMontréal, Canada
- periodehere
- peterobbinNew York
- quantum909
- raganmdSudoMagic
- samchasan
- Shreiya
- t0mekkPoland / Brzeg
- TedMathieu
- tinkrmindNYU, New York
- Tiriree
- tirtawrNew York
- tmpbci